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Bruh if y’all live any where near defense contractors or them weapons companies Americans really ain’t got no place to talk about arms dealing.

That's why the whole "We traded an arms dealer..." is silly as hell. I said it earlier in this thread but if the worry is about what an arms dealer can do that can bring harm to the Americans then niggas need to point that worry at this country top position of President who Americans willingly often refer to as "Leader of the free world".
No one should be defending Russia's law against marijuana considering how much of their male population is sick, dying, or lacking any productivity due to alcoholism. Worst rate of alcoholism in the world. That's probably why they lost to Ukraine despite it looking like they had the advantage going in.

It's not defending the law. It's acknowledging that it IS the law, and we're not citizens so we can't change that. Or now we're fans of America going into other countries and taking over how they're run? Just like places have Sharia law. I'm not defending it, but I don't think it's a smart move for anyone to go to those countries if they dont plan on following it.

Hell it's happening with the world cup right now in Qatar. They have some strict ass laws with excessive punishments. If you plan on getting drunk in public, don't go there.
Why didn't you put a spoiler on that shit?

I didn't realize what I was looking at until it was too late....


Edit: My fault, I swore I was in the Cookout thread. I was like what's so special about this guy? 😭
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I'm going to ban you for posting later today, get your affairs in order.....good day
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