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FEATURED Bodycam Footage of Tyreek Hill's Arrest

First fuck those cops

But how are they "tethers"
Oh look, it's Mr Playdumb n Ban setting me up again

For the umpteenth time, a tether is an immigrant who undermines black Americans and black American interests

Black Americans are the reason immigration is what it is today, period.
As someone that lives down here, when stuff like this goes down, usually both parties are dick heads. I'm writing this before watching anything

Tyreek Hill drives by at 0:11 on the video

I'mma give the play by play & my thoughts since I know yall only reading titles.

In the vid he was def hauling ass in that Mclaren. From the start of the video, you see the cops pass cars that were initially ahead of Tyreek, trying to catch up to him.

When they pull him over and walk up to the car, the first cop taps on his window for him to roll it down.

When he rolls it down, the cop asks why he doesnt have his seatbelt on. Tyreek responds by telling him not to knock on his window like that. Then every question the cop asks him, his response is "dont knock on my window like that". He says it like 3 or 4 times before rolling his window back up on them.

Then the starts knocking on his window again telling him to roll it back down. Hes knocking on it for a few second before Tyreek then cracks the window saying "what" , the cop says ,"keep ya window down or imma get you outa the car....matter of fact, get out the car, we're not playing this game"

Then Tyreek is like "hold hold imma get out hold on" with the window still just cracked. Other cop is aggravated opens the door and drags him out to the ground.

Hes on the ground complaining they were beating on his window like they were crazy.

Then we FF to him by the curb. Hes cuffed with a cop holding him, he tells him to sit down, and Tyreek "Hold on!" and wouldnt sit. Then the other cop thats mad comes back and grabs him down the curb to sit and thats when Tyreek starts saying, "he had surgery on his knee, ect ect."

This hill isnt worth dying on, Tyreek kinda did this to himself. He wanted to make a small thing big and got his wish. I've seen this type of thing done so many times that I dont even really feel bad when i see people catch an L for it.

If he just acted like an adult he prob would of got a warning just cause of who he is and how its game day right in front of the stadium

This is 100% true but only slightly applies to this situation.

For me it slightly shows when the other players try to calmly approach to see whats going on, then they gotta move like 50 feet back. And that one cop is demanding to see his license for some reason even tho he isnt pulled over. Thats that bullshit scare tactic they get away with that should be illegal
As someone that lives down here, when stuff like this goes down, usually both parties are dick heads. I'm writing this before watching anything

I'mma give the play by play & my thoughts since I know yall only reading titles.

In the vid he was def hauling ass in that Mclaren. From the start of the video, you see the cops pass cars that were initially ahead of Tyreek, trying to catch up to him.

When they pull him over and walk up to the car, the first cop taps on his window for him to roll it down.

When he rolls it down, the cop asks why he doesnt have his seatbelt on. Tyreek responds by telling him not to knock on his window like that. Then every question the cop asks him, his response is "dont knock on my window like that". He says it like 3 or 4 times before rolling his window back up on them.

Then the starts knocking on his window again telling him to roll it back down. Hes knocking on it for a few second before Tyreek then cracks the window saying "what" , the cop says ,"keep ya window down or imma get you outa the car....matter of fact, get out the car, we're not playing this game"

Then Tyreek is like "hold hold imma get out hold on" with the window still just cracked. Other cop is aggravated opens the door and drags him out to the ground.

Hes on the ground complaining they were beating on his window like they were crazy.

Then we FF to him by the curb. Hes cuffed with a cop holding him, he tells him to sit down, and Tyreek "Hold on!" and wouldnt sit. Then the other cop thats mad comes back and grabs him down the curb to sit and thats when Tyreek starts saying, "he had surgery on his knee, ect ect."

This hill isnt worth dying on, Tyreek kinda did this to himself. He wanted to make a small thing big and got his wish. I've seen this type of thing done so many times that I dont even really feel bad when i see people catch an L for it.

If he just acted like an adult he prob would of got a warning just cause of who he is and how its game day right in front of the stadium

As someone who doesn’t live too far from you, all of this is accurate. The cops were aggressive but Tyrekes attitude didn’t do him many favors
I knew it was going to go bad when he rolled the window up. That seems to just piss them off

Though I'm surprised they didn't ask for him to turn off the engine
As someone who doesn’t live too far from you, all of this is accurate. The cops were aggressive but Tyrekes attitude didn’t do him many favors

Tbh, from all the comments, i thought he really got beat up, but they didnt really touch him. Just slowly pushed him to the ground, albeit kinda aggressive, but thats cuz he was fucking them for some reason. They somehow managed to stay rather professional, until the other players tried to see what was going on. Then the police cartel kicked in.

They definitely didn't care that it was Tyreek Hill. Tyreek was being a diva at the beginning. There was not reason for him to roll up the window and refuse to roll it back down. The one cop is what turned it into a big issue. The other cops didn't seem to know what to do. They were trying not to make it a big issue at first, but the one cop blew up and it was over.
Oh look, it's Mr Playdumb n Ban setting me up again

For the umpteenth time, a tether is an immigrant who undermines black Americans and black American interests

Black Americans are the reason immigration is what it is today, period.

The definition seems to have changed from the last time it was asked to be defined

Just wanted to make sure I'm working with the latest version b


The definition seems to have changed from the last time it was asked to be defined

Just wanted to make sure I'm working with the latest version b


it's a reference from the movie US. If you understand the premise of that you get it.

Tether in this context is an action word. What you say and do makes one a tether

We don't want to be minorities and people of color and black and brown with THEM anymore. Because this is all we get from it. And Ryan Garcia and Fat Joe the hip hop pirate and Gina Rodriguez and Juneteenth angry Mexicans. What benefits do we get from being lumped in with them?
I’m not offering sympathy to a bitch ass dude that can’t shut the fuck up long enough to get a ticket and be sent on his way.

From the cops perspective they see an asshole driving fast as fuck, not really giving a shit about the people around him.

Behaved like a fucking idiot that was mad he got caught acting like a fucking idiot so he doubles down on the idiocy.

Fuck all that. He worked very hard to be in the position he found himself in.

It literally took effort.