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Bloomberg racist?

Brother, If you have children you're doing them a grave disservice by pretending white supremacists aren't just that. You don't have to let it consume your life or be obsessed or anything but you should acknowledge your enemy accordingly. Playing dumb won't save you. O'Reilly is a hardcore white supremacist and that's all there is to it
I think u skipped several post if you think I try not to or am unable to recognize white supremacy. I think the overall point that I'm going to explain for the last time. Take your butt hurt out ur chest for a second.

In order to defeat something, you have to challenge and overcome it. In order to overcome something efficiently, you have to be strategic and substantive in you fight plan. In order to do that, you have to understand what you're fighting. That takes understanding in battle, that things may look the same, but they dont die the same. It would be greatly beneficial if people understood that you dont fight prejudice the same way you fight racism. Alot of racist have prejudices, but not all people with prejudices, are racist. If you plan is to "fight the power" with 5 percent of 13 percent, against 60 percent.

You can go head and die for the honor of sparta...

tenor (3).gif

But this aint a movie
I think u skipped several post if you think I try not to or am unable to recognize white supremacy. I think the overall point that I'm going to explain for the last time. Take your butt hurt out ur chest for a second.

In order to defeat something, you have to challenge and overcome it. In order to overcome something efficiently, you have to be strategic and substantive in you fight plan. In order to do that, you have to understand what you're fighting. That takes understanding in battle, that things may look the same, but they dont die the same. It would be greatly beneficial if people understood that you dont fight prejudice the same way you fight racism. Alot of racist have prejudices, but not all people with prejudices, are racist. If you plan is to "fight the power" with 5 percent of 13 percent, against 60 percent.

You can go head and die for the honor of sparta...

View attachment 232165

But this aint a movie
How does distinguishing these white people benefit you as a black man? It doesn't. If they are not what you would consider an "ally", they're your ENEMY. All this parsing and distinguishing is for the Coons. If you're scared just say you're scared.

We don't have the luxury to play games like you're doing in here. Don't disillusion your children. Nigga this ain't Coke and Diet Coke, anti blackness and gluten free anti blackness. Ain't no white supremacy lite. FOH.
How does distinguishing these white people benefit you as a black man? It doesn't. If they are not what you would consider an "ally", they're your ENEMY. All this parsing and distinguishing is for the Coons. If you're scared just say you're scared.

We don't have the luxury to play games like you're doing in here. Don't disillusion your children. Nigga this ain't Coke and Diet Coke, anti blackness and gluten free anti blackness. Ain't no white supremacy lite. FOH.

Peace be with you, my brotha
Watch his interview with dame and cam, he ain't racist. He's ignorant in his prejudice. Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity could not have the repoire Bill had with them. Cause they are racist.

lol they are willfully ignorant if they are choosing to not learn about minorities they are choosing to be ignorant they chose racism
lol they are willfully ignorant if they are choosing to not learn about minorities they are choosing to be ignorant they chose racism
Heres the thing, I'm 37, I've seen alot, and I've been though alot. Because of this, I look at the world objectively. I had a co worked that was a white dude. One of the nicest people you ever met, the type of white guy that was over sensitive when it came to how he spoke to and dealt black people.


this guy is from SC and lived in the boondocks of SC, redneckville I'm talking. He grew up around people that were racist and he to was conditioned to view blacks negatively though he never had a negative interaction with a black person. There were no blacks where he lived. He joined the Air Force when he left highschool and got to interact with black members of the military.

He tells me it open his eyes because all of the ideals and honor those guys showed around him. He was personally able to see that his viewpoints were wrong. He went home and someone around him was speaking negatively about blacks, and he said to them.

You're wrong, blacks want the same things out of life that we want out of life, and the guy rebutted his words. I was taken a back that, the simple logic that we want what they want had to even be said by a human being. His response to my shock was, the ignorant dont know that they are ignorant. That is what ignorance means.

Us being black men we know what we go through, we see the world through our lense. And we say why dont other races choose to understand us and our viewpoint. And it's simple, they dont have to be us, they dont have to experience what we experience.

I give you Dr.King, the reason non violent protest worked in tandem wit Lydon Johnson. Is it showed a minority of the majority that are decent yet prejudice. This is what it's like to be black. We sit here innocently, we are attacked by police, patrons and hoses. We sit here innocently, we're humans, not animals. This is what this nation does to us.

The protests, they showed what it's like to be black, people got to experience it. The Kap protest, it put police brutality on a larger screen, it became filmed more, talked about more, it showed what it was like to be black and deal with law enforcement in America.

Even for the time the white girl got for bodying homie in his spot. I believe she dont get that time at all if not for Kap, as frustratingly angry that it makes me. We are the minority, those of us that get it..

We are the minority of the minority, and for all of the minorities in america that dont seek to assimilate into buck dancing caricatures for white. We are the minority, of the minority, of the minority.

We have a larger responsibility to our people than others. That's the burden of life, if you want to just devolve into feelings and frustrations you can.

Its niggaz that use this

That change the world
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This act that you know something the rest us black people don't know is wack. Pretending you have it all figured out and you cracked the code. Kanye West does that too
Fam, I'm not sure if you just want to argue wit me or lack comprehension. Everything I know and believe, I've stated. I'm not pretending to hold back any knowledge. You just vehemently disagree wit me, and that's cool.
Fam, I'm not sure if you just want to argue wit me or lack comprehension. Everything I know and believe, I've stated. I'm not pretending to hold back any knowledge. You just vehemently disagree wit me, and that's cool.
I disagree because you're Wrong
Heres the thing, I'm 37, I've seen alot, and I've been though alot. Because of this, I look at the world objectively. I had a co worked that was a white dude. One of the nicest people you ever met, the type of white guy that was over sensitive when it came to how he spoke to and dealt black people.


this guy is from SC and lived in the boondocks of SC, redneckville I'm talking. He grew up around people that were racist and he to was conditioned to view blacks negatively though he never had a negative interaction with a black person. There were no blacks where he lived. He joined the Air Force when he left highschool and got to interact with black members of the military.

He tells me it open his eyes because all of the ideals and honor those guys showed around him. He was personally able to see that his viewpoints were wrong. He went home and someone around him was speaking negatively about blacks, and he said to them.

You're wrong, blacks want the same things out of life that we want out of life, and the guy rebutted his words. I was taken a back that, the simple logic that we want what they want had to even be said by a human being. His response to my shock was, the ignorant dont know that they are ignorant. That is what ignorance means.

Us being black men we know what we go through, we see the world through our lense. And we say why dont other races choose to understand us and our viewpoint. And it's simple, they dont have to be us, they dont have to experience what we experience.

I give you Dr.King, the reason non violent protest worked in tandem wit Lydon Johnson. Is it showed a minority of the majority that are decent yet prejudice. This is what it's like to be black. We sit here innocently, we are attacked by police, patrons and hoses. We sit here innocently, we're humans, not animals. This is what this nation does to us.

The protests, they showed what it's like to be black, people got to experience it. The Kap protest, it put police brutality on a larger screen, it became filmed more, talked about more, it showed what it was like to be black and deal with law enforcement in America.

Even for the time the white girl got for bodying homie in his spot. I believe she dont get that time at all if not for Kap, as frustratingly angry that it makes me. We are the minority, those of us that get it..

We are the minority of the minority, and for all of the minorities in america that dont seek to assimilate into buck dancing caricatures for white. We are the minority, of the minority, of the minority.

We have a larger responsibility to our people than others. That's the burden of life, if you want to just devolve into feelings and frustrations you can.

Its niggaz that use this

That change the world

Lol idk care bout none of that. By overthinking this we did this before we gonna start saying all white peoples ain’t bad them boom another 4 years of trump another cop shoots a kid some more folks ride for the cop etc rinse repeat
Lol idk care bout none of that. By overthinking this we did this before we gonna start saying all white peoples ain’t bad them boom another 4 years of trump another cop shoots a kid some more folks ride for the cop etc rinse repeat
Shoots him once = prejudice

More than once = racist

Heres the thing, I'm 37, I've seen alot, and I've been though alot. Because of this, I look at the world objectively. I had a co worked that was a white dude. One of the nicest people you ever met, the type of white guy that was over sensitive when it came to how he spoke to and dealt black people.


this guy is from SC and lived in the boondocks of SC, redneckville I'm talking. He grew up around people that were racist and he to was conditioned to view blacks negatively though he never had a negative interaction with a black person. There were no blacks where he lived. He joined the Air Force when he left highschool and got to interact with black members of the military.

He tells me it open his eyes because all of the ideals and honor those guys showed around him. He was personally able to see that his viewpoints were wrong. He went home and someone around him was speaking negatively about blacks, and he said to them.

You're wrong, blacks want the same things out of life that we want out of life, and the guy rebutted his words. I was taken a back that, the simple logic that we want what they want had to even be said by a human being. His response to my shock was, the ignorant dont know that they are ignorant. That is what ignorance means.

Us being black men we know what we go through, we see the world through our lense. And we say why dont other races choose to understand us and our viewpoint. And it's simple, they dont have to be us, they dont have to experience what we experience.

I give you Dr.King, the reason non violent protest worked in tandem wit Lydon Johnson. Is it showed a minority of the majority that are decent yet prejudice. This is what it's like to be black. We sit here innocently, we are attacked by police, patrons and hoses. We sit here innocently, we're humans, not animals. This is what this nation does to us.

The protests, they showed what it's like to be black, people got to experience it. The Kap protest, it put police brutality on a larger screen, it became filmed more, talked about more, it showed what it was like to be black and deal with law enforcement in America.

Even for the time the white girl got for bodying homie in his spot. I believe she dont get that time at all if not for Kap, as frustratingly angry that it makes me. We are the minority, those of us that get it..

We are the minority of the minority, and for all of the minorities in america that dont seek to assimilate into buck dancing caricatures for white. We are the minority, of the minority, of the minority.

We have a larger responsibility to our people than others. That's the burden of life, if you want to just devolve into feelings and frustrations you can.

Its niggaz that use this

That change the world

I stopped at the ignorant don't kno they're ignorant

when they are shown but refuse to accept cuz it would fracture their ego, it becomes willful ignorance

& ignorance is no excuse of the law

still racist