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Bloomberg racist?

@Alle'Oop dont nobody have time to try and distinguish between who is prejudice or who is racist... we see a white person doing suspect things and it’s racist we distinguish later if we ever get to later.
That's like a doctor saying nobody got time to distinguish between HIV and AIDs, sick is sick.

If you are looking to beat somethin efficiently, determine what it is and do the thing you do specifically to beat it. In football if they go man to man, you dont run routes that beat zone.
That's like a doctor saying nobody got time to distinguish between HIV and AIDs, sick is sick.

If you are looking to beat somethin efficiently, determine what it is and do the thing you do specifically to beat it. In football if they go man to man, you dont run routes that beat zone.
But funny enough they don’t distinguish between us. Black is black to them. So go figure.
But funny enough they don’t distinguish between us. Black is black to them. So go figure.
Seems like an advantage if you're on offense and defense cant tell the difference between a possession receiver and a speed guy. Instead of looking at everything as a disadvantage, try lookin at disadvantages as advantages. Unless that is, you believe the white man is all knowing and all powerful and ur just the little negro that wants his 40 acres and a mule.
Seems like an advantage if you're on offense and defense cant tell the difference between a possession receiver and a speed guy. Instead of looking at everything as a disadvantage, try lookin at disadvantages as advantages. Unless that is, you believe the white man is all knowing and all powerful and ur just the little negro that wants his 40 acres and a mule.
Nah I’m simply returning the same energy. We’re all niggas to them, so they’re all racist to me.
Bruh were really defending white hate huh?

Bill O Reilly one of the most damaging mfers of the last 20 years (till he lost his show), and we on some oh but he didnt really hate he was just ignorant and prejudice.

Bloomberg destroyed black and hispanic families(i keep saying black and hispanic cause he was in charge of NYC, but I fully believe he would have been just as destructive to any other minority group had they had numbers in NYC), and instead of saying motherfuck Bloomberg for what he did, yall unwillingly (some willingly) softening the blow by saying yea hes a piece of shit but not as much as if he was racist vs prejudice.

Thats why I say yall getting stuck on some dumb shit.

Mfers will be black and white on just about everything and then find gray spots about a mfer that destroyed countless black and hispanic families and is proud about it.

Make it make sense.
I remember Bill O Reilly went to a resturant in some black city, I think it was in NY, mighta been Brooklyn before the takeover of BK was complete and said something like I was expecting to hear shootings and sirens the whole time and was surprised black people there were civilized.

Buuuuut thats not as bad cause hes prejudiced vs racist.
I remember Bill O Reilly went to a resturant in some black city, I think it was in NY, mighta been Brooklyn before the takeover of BK was complete and said something like I was expecting to hear shootings and sirens the whole time and was surprised black people there were civilized.

Buuuuut thats not as bad cause hes prejudiced vs racist.

It was a restaurant in Harlem...
It was a restaurant in Harlem...

Goat shit fam.

Now that I think about shit was way worse than what I initially remembered.

I think he said he expected to hear people yelling and rap music and was surprised it was quiet and people werent sagging their pants.

This the mfer thats not as bad as hannity cause hes prejudiced vs racist.

Mfers make 0%.

Might be the worst time to get caught up directionary definitions.
it's kinda funny readin comments from trumpers like

"I thought it was republicans who are racist?!?"

as if 2 things can't be true lol
Yall are refusin to understand what I'm saying because of conditions being the way they are. And because of that, ur all missing the overall point of what I'm saying, that's called something...

Yall are refusin to understand what I'm saying because of conditions being the way they are. And because of that, ur all missing the overall point of what I'm saying, that's called something...

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Brother, If you have children you're doing them a grave disservice by pretending white supremacists aren't just that. You don't have to let it consume your life or be obsessed or anything but you should acknowledge your enemy accordingly. Playing dumb won't save you. O'Reilly is a hardcore white supremacist and that's all there is to it