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Black History Month Thread

So somewhere else, someone said the internet was invented by a black person and that lead me down a rabbit hole of research to find out if that was true. If, you're wondering, no it wasn't and no one person invented the whole internet. Its a combination of a few inventions from a few different people/research teams, over the span of years. But Tim Berners-Lee (english white guy) is credited as inventing the 'world wide web', in 1990.

Anyway, while finding that out, I did find out the first internet search engine was invented by a black person ( Alan Emtage), then found out something else that I found crazy.

Emmit McHenry (a black man) and his partners started a engineering company and created ;.com'. And back when the internet was just a government project, they ended up controlling all the domain names (.com, .net, .org, .edu and .gov.).

On Dec. 31 1992, Network Solutions got the contract that would make the company a legacy. After the government review several company proposals, The National Science Foundation Department selected Network Solution as manager of domain names registration service for the Internet.

The contract was for $1 million a year for five years. Network Solution had the sole authority to develop and issue Internet system for Web addresses. What Network Solution developed was .com, .net, .edu, and. gov. to communicate on the Internet.

At the time Network Solutions already was handling other sensitive engineering projects for the government. To keep up with the demands the company needed to hire more workers and buy new equipment, but the fixed $1 million a year contract proved to be a constrained because no matter how many names the company registered, it could not charge more. Over the years demand for domain names increase and the company staff grew to 400 employees. Emmit applied to the government to charge directly for the domain names as the request for names continued to increase by the thousands. The government refuses and continues to pay the company $1 million a year for as many requested domain names.

Emmit went to wealthy high profile Blacks and they all refuse to invest in his company. He tried the financial institute and Wall Street and they also said no. He got some help from a white fellow engineer but it was not enough. In the mean time the government keeps insisting if he could not keep up with the volume they will break the contract.

In 1995 Emmit sold Network Solutions to Science Applications International Corp or SAIC for 4.8 million plus personal and business debt. In a few months the government gives SAIC the rights to charge $70.00 per year for each domain name plus royalty on any other created domain names, the same request Emmit wanted. With millions of people and companies requesting domain names there was a bidding war to buy this new cash cow SAIC acquired. A Wall Street Company name VeriSign Inc. was the winner. SAIC flip the newly purchase 4.8 million company to VeriSign Inc for $21 Billion within a year.

Fucking government and those devils fucked him outa billions. Why dont more people know about this? Holy shit.

A couple videos about reconstruction. This country almost got it right after the Civil War. For a little while, it seemed to be on the right path, and then white people were like "F that. We like racism better."

I definitely will be catching up on these all these videos tonight. The reconstruction era video especially...
Shout out to all the black folks who were able to go from poverty to generational wealth in one generation.

Niggaz wanna see immediate change.

In like 20 years when the kids of these 100 million dollar niggaz start getting jobs in politics and shit like that.... Things gonna be crazy.... We think the news wild now...

Wait till we see the shit on going on in the 2050's