Black Athletes are catching heat during the NFL Draft “Stop turning your backs on Black Women “

I like to joke about it. It’s funny

But it definitely does not matter to me. Date who you want as long as they are a sane individual
A lot of them dudes be lame as shit and use athletics to get females, some never had to work for some ass a day in their life. That's y them beckys be taking their money and bringing it back to massa.

It does look kinda crazy just wish people wouldn't paint all black men as Becky chasers because of those cats.
A lot of them dudes be lame as shit and use athletics to get females, some never had to work for some ass a day in their life.

wouldn't the training for sports count as the hard work tho
wouldn't the training for sports count as the hard work tho

Lol the easiest way to attract the women that you want is create an envious lifestyle and attaining high status.

The amount of hours wasted by men chasing pussy could be put working towards creating a lifestyle that women chase.

Because unless you put here pimping and making a bitch put in work, chasing ass is a luxury.

I rather be a wealthy and famous lame than a middle class pussy hound anyday.
lol One minute these chicks are bashing men and saying there are no good men. The next minute, they are whining about who those no good men date.

There are plenty of normal everyday dudes out there checking for black women, but I guess they don't matter because they aren't about to make millions of dollars huh?
Most of these athletes are from PWIs and let me tell you the way these white girls position themselves and throw their cat at athletes it's no surprise to me that's who they end up with...

Yep, I'm sure things have changed since I was at UNC, but what you said was true for black dudes in general. If white chicks were interested in a black dude, they shot their shot.
In some cases these white women were down with the men since high school or college.
Most of these athletes are from PWIs and let me tell you the way these white girls position themselves and throw their cat at athletes it's no surprise to me that's who they end up with...
This happened my nephew who plays for jax. He went to school in bumfuck el paso tx and cuffed the first refrigerator built Mexican who said hi...i litterally warned him about the traps women set up for altheletes. We fell out so I haven't been able to celebrate and brag about his career