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Bill Gates says US testing data is 'bogus' because it still takes 3 to 4 days to get results

Im assuming the same way yall assuming.

No one ever talked about a ultimatum. Since we all assuming, im assuming my ass off. Wait till yall see my next post.

I too missed the part in the story about an ultimatum. I also missed the part where they said this would be part of any COVID-19 vaccination. Has the process even made it to human testing? Because in that story, they hadn't yet deemed it safe for human testing.
I too missed the part in the story about an ultimatum. I also missed the part where they said this would be part of any COVID-19 vaccination. Has the process even made it to human testing? Because in that story, they hadn't yet deemed it safe for human testing.

Thats what i was saying. Out of nowhere people are thinking they are gonna be held down and forced to get vaccinated, in a country that couldnt even enforce stay at home orders.

Not to mention none of the persumtive vaccinations that have been announced have had anything to do with bill gates yet.

But people gon believe what they wanna believe
Thats what i was saying. Out of nowhere people are thinking they are gonna be held down and forced to get vaccinated, in a country that couldnt even enforce stay at home orders.

Not to mention none of the persumtive vaccinations that have been announced have had anything to do with bill gates yet.

But people gon believe what they wanna believe
More of a reason to require vaccinations because people won't listen and it keeps spreading.
We don’t need to be “tracked” inside our bodies. Our bodies literally do that themselves. That’s what antibodies are. They can test our blood and see our history without the use of microtechnology. This also isn’t any kind of Biblical ‘one world order’.
In which case it would be a good thing wouldnt it?
It would be a good thing if it wasn't do any suspicions behind so many things.

People still fight the flu shot
People already died from his unethical testing.
And no one should take a untested vaccine when it didn't go thru the proper trials. Yes it's a pandemic but this pandemic was basically announced and told how it would happen.
It would be a good thing if it wasn't do any suspicions behind so many things.

People still fight the flu shot
People already died from his unethical testing.
And no one should take a untested vaccine when it didn't go thru the proper trials. Yes it's a pandemic but this pandemic was basically announced and told how it would happen.

Where is this untested vaccine that we gonna be taking?
i give him created for doing things as a billionaire most gov'ts worldwide arent doing - but i'm paying attention to his true intent - lets hope its only a legacy play...

the whole 'they have access to everything and nothing happened to me - so what' logic is all good until something actually happens. theres nothing wrong with being reasonably cautious - history alone has too many examples

no one is smart enough now to say for sure where the rona came from - EVERYTHING is a theory
2020 is sooo weird. Never would of imagined internet trolls and conspiracy theorist convinced a ton of people that Bill Gates is Dr Doom.

Hotep niggas really labeling him a evil billionaire, because he wants to cure the world of Malaria with a vaccine. At the same time, they dont care about people like The Koch brother who purposely spread disinformation to oppress poor people. Nah well gotta watch the white guy who wants to end a disease that infects millions a year and most of the deaths are black people.
Wow, thanks Captain Obvious for reporting well known information. Had no idea “being involved w vaccines” makes you a doctor. That’s how it works now?

You sound like my kids... saying things I never said. Poor comprehension just to try to one up someone. You sound stupid, broski.
Nah Dos, because according to the smart guy, we’re behind because Gates has been involved with vaccines for years and this was super confidential information, which of course has to make him a credible figure in the field health, lmao.
i mean.....gates can do well but he does support shit that was unethical.

and if his tests was on the up and up...he wouldnt need to do the unethical testing on kids with no parent and no education or understanding of what they were injected with.

he would also not try to squeeze his way into patents.

but gates is the good guy....so ill just keep gathering my info that says other wise..
Nah Dos, because according to the smart guy, we’re behind because Gates has been involved with vaccines for years and this was super confidential information, which of course has to make him a credible figure in the field of health, lmao.

Hilarious that all it took was for me to say ‘you’re behind’ for you to immediately become triggered and lose the ability to be reasonable.
...oh, you’re still attempting the trying to be intelligent angle huh?

still nothing to say, huh?

Look, Bill Gates’ knowledge about viruses & vaccines doesn’t require him to be a doctor. You can be very educated without having a paper that says you’re certified. Gates doesn’t parade around under doctor, though. So the complaint is unreasonable.

Play stupid but he’s putting his filthy rich money to work - don’t we constantly complain the rich should help people? Don’t help, they’re selfish. If they do help, there’s some evil motive and they should stop because they’re not equipped with an actual “title”.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Why is what he is doing so horrible? If he has the same studies and knowledge as a certified doctor, what is the difference outside of being certified? Is the knowledge not the same? It’s obvious he has a massive influence because of money AND knowledge. He meets w top doctors and scientists. I see none of them coming out against him. Why? Because he’s helping the causes to progress.

Those who hate him are blinded by their own biases. Unreasonable, illogical.

but go ahead and state I’m just sounding smart to avoid a reasonable conversation. Be a 30yr old troll on the internet. Get your reactions in broski.
still nothing to say, huh?

Look, Bill Gates’ knowledge about viruses & vaccines doesn’t require him to be a doctor. You can be very educated without having a paper that says you’re certified. Gates doesn’t parade around under doctor, though. So the complaint is unreasonable.

Play stupid but he’s putting his filthy rich money to work - don’t we constantly complain the rich should help people? Don’t help, they’re selfish. If they do help, there’s some evil motive and they should stop because they’re not equipped with an actual “title”.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Why is what he is doing so horrible? If he has the same studies and knowledge as a certified doctor, what is the difference outside of being certified? Is the knowledge not the same? It’s obvious he has a massive influence because of money AND knowledge. He meets w top doctors and scientists. I see none of them coming out against him. Why? Because he’s helping the causes to progress.

Those who hate him are blinded by their own biases. Unreasonable, illogical.

but go ahead and state I’m just sounding smart to avoid a reasonable conversation. Be a 30yr old troll on the internet. Get your reactions in broski.
everything you said is great.....

but why test vaccines on helpless and uneducated people?

if you got pull and money.....isnt it others in more developed countries willing to take vaccine trials?

i know quite a few people who do cancer trials.
because they have cancer and want to help others if they can while helping themselves.

and they can articulate this.

now ....why would a person fund experiments on children with no parents in remote places in countries with lax regulations?

some of those kids died man. they was like 9 yrs old.

so because they was abandoned or whatever....they makes it ok to use them as guinea pigs?

to me thats predator behavior. test in the developed world and i wont feel the same way.....or at least will begin to try to understand
The report of his children being unvaccinated is “fake news”

As for the other things, I cannot speak on bc I know nothing of those stories. I’ll peep them later... if you have links to articles, post them so I can check them out.
so people want to trust a person who shown they are ok with unethical shit....to control the WORLD health organization?

dude literally picked who was ok to die....and it was children.

fuck you think he will do to any of us?
I’ll get back to this once I fully understand what exactly you’re talking about. I’ll do my research.
Quick question, is this about the children in India? I want to make sure I’m reading the right articles and not wasting my time on something you’re not specifically referring to.