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Bill Gates says US testing data is 'bogus' because it still takes 3 to 4 days to get results


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  • Microsoft billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates wrote in a blog post that he thinks there are currently eight to ten promising candidates for a coronavirus vaccine.
  • Gates believes it will take 18 months to develop a vaccine, although he says it could come as soon as nine months or take as long as two years.
  • Alongside candidates which use traditional methods, Gates is particularly excited about two new kinds of vaccine: RNA and DNA vaccine.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
There are more than a hundred coronavirus vaccines in the works, and of those eight to ten have caught the eye of Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Gates is pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into developing a vaccine through his philanthropic organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The foundation has so far has pledged a total of $250 million towards fighting the coronavirus, and Gates recently announced that the organization will dedicate its full resources to the pandemic.

Gates published a blog post on Thursday laying out the process for developing and distributing a vaccine. He wrote that a vaccine is likely to take around 18 months to develop, although he writes in his blog it "could be as little as 9 months or as long as two years."

"As of April 9, there are 115 different COVID-19 vaccine candidates in the development pipeline," Gates writes. "I think that eight to ten of those look particularly promising. (Our foundation is going to keep an eye on all the others to see if we missed any that have some positive characteristics, though.)"

Gates says these promising candidates "take a variety of approaches to protecting the body against COVID-19," going on to explain that there are two main kinds of vaccine — inactivated and live.

Inactivated vaccines contain a dead version of the desired pathogen, whereas live ones contain a smaller but living dose of it. Gates describes these methods as traditional and reliable, but adds they are resource-intensive and slow to develop.

"I'm particularly excited by two new approaches that some of the candidates are taking: RNA and DNA vaccines," Gates writes.

"Rather than injecting a pathogen's antigen into your body, you instead give the body the genetic code needed to produce that antigen itself. When the antigens appear on the outside of your cells, your immune system attacks them—and learns how to defeat future intruders in the process. You essentially turn your body into its own vaccine manufacturing unit."

Although the Gates Foundation has been researching RNA vaccines for almost a decade, they are yet to make it out into the wild. "Since COVID would be the first RNA vaccine out of the gate, we have to prove both that the platform itself works and that it creates immunity. It's a bit like building your computer system and your first piece of software at the same time," says Gates.

A key challenge around producing a vaccine for COVID-19 is that a coronavirus vaccine has never been developed to date.

But the Microsoft billionaire has said numerous times that a return to total normality is impossible without a vaccine.

"Humankind has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for coronavirus. Realistically, if we're going to return to normal, we need to develop a safe, effective vaccine," he writes.
  • Bill Gates said at a CNN town hall on Thursday night that US testing data was "bogus" because of testing inequality and slow turnaround.
  • "The United States does not prioritize who gets tested," he said. "And the United States does not make sure you get results in 24 hours."
  • The US is testing about 200,000 people a day for the coronavirus, but it can take several days before Americans are told whether they have tested positive or negative.

Bill Gates has called the US's coronavirus testing data "bogus" because of testing inequality and slow turnaround.

The 67-year-old billionaire philanthropist discussed the US coronavirus response on Thursday night during CNN's global town hall with the hosts Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

The US is now testing about 200,000 people a day. Experts from Harvard University have suggested that to fully "remobilize the economy," the US needs to be testing 20 million people a day by midsummer.

Gates said that while the US was conducting a greater number of tests each day than it did earlier in the crisis, the latest testing didn't accurately reflect the country's population, particularly those in low-income areas.

"The United States does not prioritize who gets tested," he said. "And the United States does not make sure you get results in 24 hours."

Testing in the US remains a long and complicated task, and it can take several days before people are told whether they have tested positive or negative for COVID-19.

"If you get your test results within 24 hours so you can act on it, then let's count it," he said, adding that people were most infectious within the first three to four days after infection and might continue to interact with others and spread the virus until they have definitive results.

"What's the point of the test?" he said. "That's your period of greatest infectiousness."

Gates added that residents of low-income neighborhoods had lesser access to testing facilities and were not prioritized, despite indications that the virus has taken a disproportionate toll on marginalized communities.

"Our system fails to have the prioritization that would give us an accurate picture of what's going on," he said.

Gates has been warning about the risk of a pandemic for years, previously saying a global health crisis could wipe out 30 million people in less than a year. He told the Financial Times in April that COVID-19 was the "biggest event that people will experience in their entire lives" and that a viral outbreak similar to this one could happen "every 20 years or so."

His foundation, which has committed billions of dollars to the research of other infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS, has already pledged over $250 million in response to COVID-19. According to the foundation, the funds are being used to help poor communities prepare for the virus and are helping accelerate the detection and containment of the virus.

Earlier this week, Gates said in an interview with the Financial Times that his charity was giving "total attention" to the coronavirus pandemic.
You back in the U.S.?
fuck no.

im not coming back there yet.

they gotta get that shit under control.

and ive been making calls because im not sure how i can get home.

the borders are closed so i can only leave out of switzerland.....and thats a direct to newark....but no one can tell me if i gotta quarantine in jersey before i head to Pa. and if i gotta quarantine when im there....i got shit to do when im back.
My mom got tested. Said it would be a few days
so you got 4 hours......
in the states if its an emergency...you can possibly get 24 hours and some people say 2 weeks.

it may be because of the population density in some places in the states compared to other places.
so you got 4 hours......
in the states if its an emergency...you can possibly get 24 hours and some people say 2 weeks.

it may be because of the population density in some places in the states compared to other places.
So how was Billy lying?
He wants a hand in this shit so bad. Why are you talking to us about this?
He wants us to know he's in the mix.
That he has cards to play.
whats Gates angle though - politics, business, white jesus?

and thi is what i think people are missing......

why is he the expert and all on the news lately?

but i been reading up on him.....
im not going as far to say conspiracy.......but its interesting what hes invested in and whats connected to all this.
everyone I know who has been tested had to wait that period of time... they also actually said if you DONT hear from us within 2 weeks you’re covid neg

one of the ppl I know, his pops didn’t hear back for 2 weeks... but ended up really sick. Covid symptoms... by the time he started getting better, he got the results... positive

another dude I know, tested... 3 days later neg, now 3 days later he’s getting sick w covid symptoms
Um. I actually like bill gates no homo. But why does he think cuz he started Microsoft n has done alotta humanitarian work in Africa that ppl need his opinion on covid.

Qualified doctors, the cdc, n the who is more than enough imo.

Bill jus comes off as a know it all