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Bill Cosby Sentenced 3-10 Years In Prison

this has nothing to do with his show.

a show doesnt make a person who they played.....

if the trial is fair....dont matter who he is....if he guilty...hes guilty.

why is asking for a fair trial so foreign to black people?

black people of all people should understand we dont get fair trials....but because a nigga clowned the hood...he got what he deserved?

You say that, but plenty of people see Dr. Huxtable and not actually Bill Cosby when they see him...and it happens to actors all the time. You see actors all the time tell stories of people coming up to them legit in their feelings over things a character they played has done. Hell I just saw an interview with Lynn Witfield who said there's still men til this day that are nervous to approach her because of A Thin Line Between Love and Hate and she has to convince people it was just a movie role and she's not really that evil and crazy.
Just like I said on the IC going forward.

If you buy bitches at the club drinks with plans on fucking her after that you are a rapist.

If you buy bitches weed with plans to fuck her after she smokes it you are a rapist.

If you buy bitches liquor when you go or she comes to your house with plans to fuck her after she drinks it you are a rapist.

That's as dumb as these dudes walking around saying "You can't even say hello w/o it being sexual harrassment". You have enough common sense to know when you and a chick are drinking together or smoking together or voluntarily taking something together vs. giving it to her w/o her consent.
She constantly contacted Cosby, they hung out a few times she even introduced her parents to Cosby not to mention all the inconsistencies in her statements. This was a farce of a “trial”. They literally broke every constitutional law just to get Cosby. Why was this even retried?
Her and Bill didn’t get along I believe it started when she did some movie that Bill didn’t approve of and then she got pregnant and it was a wrap and Bill kicked her off the show, she’s been talking shit about him for decades.

She did a movie role that Bill felt was too "adult" for the Cosby show audience and went against the image he wanted for teh actors on his show...pretty ironic considering his personal life
That's as dumb as these dudes walking around saying "You can't even say hello w/o it being sexual harrassment". You have enough common sense to know when you and a chick are drinking together or smoking together or voluntarily taking something together vs. giving it to her w/o her consent.
If she’s drunk/high she can’t consent to sex sir.. I don’t make the rules. So if you had sex with a woman under those pretenses then you sir are a rapist.
You do know that even after someone confesses there still is an investigation done right? It's not "suspect confesses, go to trial, say suspect confessed, end trial". It's more that goes into it.

There's no investigation. You know that. Mainstream media didn't demand it so the followers didn't either. Smh @ black people thinking the justice system in this country suddenly became fair starting with Bill Cosby.
You say that, but plenty of people see Dr. Huxtable and not actually Bill Cosby when they see him...and it happens to actors all the time. You see actors all the time tell stories of people coming up to them legit in their feelings over things a character they played has done. Hell I just saw an interview with Lynn Witfield who said there's still men til this day that are nervous to approach her because of A Thin Line Between Love and Hate and she has to convince people it was just a movie role and she's not really that evil and crazy.

This is true but some folks are just blindly throwing that shit out there because folks don't share the same view on Cosby being a rapist as they do.

My wife and I were just talking about folks treating the person as the character they portrayed in a movie or tv role. Thats some wild shit actors have to put up with.
She did a movie role that Bill felt was too "adult" for the Cosby show audience and went against the image he wanted for teh actors on his show...pretty ironic considering his personal life
Yeah that was what started their bad blood then her getting pregnant was the last straw.
That's as dumb as these dudes walking around saying "You can't even say hello w/o it being sexual harrassment". You have enough common sense to know when you and a chick are drinking together or smoking together or voluntarily taking something together vs. giving it to her w/o her consent.

Its not dumb based on the context that some of yall niggas in here been using. Niggas always try to have shit both ways to fit a narrative that they want. Shit don't work that way.

Legally if the bold leads to sex that is rape.
how many drunk people hardly remember the night before?

just a drink....its still relaxing. but if a chick needs a drink to fuck with you.....thats another problem for a nigga.

but drink or smoking before sex...even if its agreed .....can be used against you in the future.

niggas aint seeing this game.

Can it be? Yes. So that should also let you know that you shouldn't be drinking and/or smoking or taking anything w/ a chick without actually discussing those things with her first.
Its not dumb based on the context that some of yall niggas in here been using. NIggas always try to have shit both ways to fit a narrative that they want. Shit don't work that way.

The context is was this done w/ consent or not. That's it. If the woman is aware and/or asks for something then that's consent. If not then it's not consent. It's not hard to figure out.
If she’s drunk/high she can’t consent to sex sir.. I don’t make the rules. So if you had sex with a woman under those pretenses then you sir are a rapist.

Under the law...no she can't consent...but under actual common sense we all know there's a difference between you and your lady or you and a woman getting drunk and having sex vs getting a woman black out drunk or giving her a pill w/o her knowing and then fucking her...and niggas trying to intentionally play naive as if all that shit is the same.
The context is was this done w/ consent or not. That's it. If the woman is aware and/or asks for something then that's consent. If not then it's not consent. It's not hard to figure out.

That just ain't true. You can give a woman drinks and if she gets drunk. She can scream "fuck me" if you fuck that drunk woman according to the law you raped her.
Under the law...no she can't consent...but under actual common sense we all know there's a difference between you and your lady or you and a woman getting drunk and having sex vs getting a woman black out drunk or giving her a pill w/o her knowing and then fucking her...and niggas trying to intentionally play naive as if all that shit is the same.

Again...legally that's how the law is written. In application in everyday society though you know that's now how things happen.

Yes I do know that's not how things happen. Yet in this thread and on the IC yall niggas judging Cosby completely by the letter of the law and how its written.

Yet when just a hypothetical scenario is introduced about you personally now niggas want to bring in common sense and thats not how everyday society works

Yall can't have it both ways. I'm still not saying Cosby is innocent I'm just saying apply that same common sense with him. If you or others have truly done that and believe without a doubt that Cosby guilty then cool.
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Under the law...no she can't consent...but under actual common sense we all know there's a difference between you and your lady or you and a woman getting drunk and having sex vs getting a woman black out drunk or giving her a pill w/o her knowing and then fucking her...and niggas trying to intentionally play naive as if all that shit is the same.
If your woman decides to ever go to the cops you’d be in trouble bruh.
The juror issues alone should be enough to bring up during an appeals process. Some parts of this shit are forever going to be hard to figure out. You have Cosby in his own words during a depositions saying he got the drugs w/ the intent to give them to women...however only him and that woman/women will ever truly know if it was given under consent or not. Giving the number of accusations I think it's safe to assume that some were w/ consent and some probably weren't. Also, and this is something I brought up on the IC before when a woman who works with alot of celebrities said this on a podcast, alot of these dudes fuck up by giving women pills/drugs that were already planning to /wanting to fuck them anyway. The issue is not them wanting to fuck, it's them now being given something they did not ask for and them being unable to consent to said sex. Just because a woman expresses she wants to fuck you doesn't mean you can then get the pussy however you want and that's where these famous dudes is going left field. THey're drugging women who already want to fuck them. As for the "if whtie folks agree w/ you then there's something wrong" that's subjective as hell. This would often come up during R. Kelly discussions when some folks have the misguided idea that you shouldn't say something a black person does is wrong around white people. That's just dumb. Wrong is wrong and trying to defend that shit simply because you and somebody are both black makes you both look dumb.

As for the "skipping over other cases" that's been discussed to death. Those other cases aren't being skipped over. IT's already been dropped plenty of times the biggest names in all of these accusations, Weistein is literally facing 25-life right now....also if it seems as if this many cases are going unpunished then that may also lend some credence to the oft dismissed notion that maybe we as a society still don't take sexual assault allegations serious enough. So the point of contention shouldn't be "Well if random white person isn't convicted then Cosby should be free too" it should be "Convict them all if guilty". However some folks are more focused on the former...

The argument of "number of accusations" needs to die. A large number of people do a lot of things that are not truthful and so it's possible those women are lying. And we're not suppose to be convicting people off assumptions. That is never safe or how justice is suppose to work. That's like saying the Salem Witch trials were justified. There needs to be proof of the crime committed when you convict someone.

Skipping over other cases has not been discussed to death as those men have still not stood trial. That problem has not been solved. Their cases going unpunished is not really an issue of sexual assault not being taken serious. Not when they suddenly appear to take it serious when it's a black man accused of the same crime. What skipping all those other cases IS evidence of is racially motivated punishment. A form of mistreatment.

And no, you shouldn't bad mouth another black person in front of WS. That's like Jews talking bad about Jews to Nazis. The system only see's his skin color, just like it's going to only see our skin color the day it decides to target me, you, and/or another one of us. Cosby should of been tried without all these suspect tactics. They all should be, but since it's evident that he wasn't they've made the race card playable. Their resulting conviction highly questionable.