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Biden told progressive Dems this afternoon tuition-free community college is likely going to drop out of the final reconciliation package

Remember, the free tuition to community college was the compromise. He first ran on free college everywhere. I’d also like to point out the money he is cutting isn’t just community college, it’s tuition debt he promised to cut.. it’s the extra funding to pell grants..the extra money to hbcus.. not only is there going to be no free community college all the big bold plans for pell grants are over..

The plan for better schools and child care and child tax credit expansion are over..

When people like me said Biden wasn’t doing anything people were pointing out all of these things as a reason to vote for Biden. People said these things combined would help lift us up. No there wasn’t a specific plan, but all these things together would target African Americans more than anyone.

Now all of this is being stripped away from his plan.. not because we can’t afford them it’s because they never intended on these things ever becoming reality.

it's not tho.......that's what people need to come to grips with. Biden is a liar, Obama, Trump all of congress and the senate is as well.

You look fucking stupid trying to point out that the current jackass in office is a jackass.

Also I am pro-voting. if you're going to form an opinion on said voting especially if you didn't vote because all you goofy niggas who didn't vote and said anyone who voted is stupid and working for white supremacy ass niggas are still in the same boat as the niggas who did vote.

You're basically yelling in the wind.

I voted for Biden for one thing only I wanted the student loan relief. Again I vote only for my selfish gains only

I didnt say ppl that voted were stupid, nor did i say voting means youre working for white supremacy

its just wild to me that you niggas tried to convince us we were doing everyone a grave disservice by not voting for Biden 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

yall acted like we were crazed rebels for calling this man a liar and not worth standing in line for
during a national pandemic

and you didnt get your student loan relief clown 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂

so you got played babe and thats ok
“im pro-vote” and what did your vote get you?


also im not in the same boat as you niggas because i dont lean on dead/half dead white people for my political imagination
thats yalls problem now, yall are “pro vote” and not “pro policy”

“pro vote” and not “pro let me study this persons track record and weigh the likelihood of them passing the things i want to see”

“pro vote” and not “pro let me think critically about my political decisions”
So if you believe this then you have to wonder why wasn’t Manchin hit with a primary? The dems couldn’t find anyone to replace him? They couldn’t me too him like they didothers? It’s not like they didn’t know where he stood before the election.

Sinema? She replaced Jeff Flake . They couldn’t have expected much anything from her..She was already the most conservative member of senate before she arrived. These were known facts. She was a blue dog Democrat. Why wasn’t someone else backed or why isn’t she a target of a primary?

If you believe they are in the “way” then fine, but you have to question why nobody thought about these two stopping them while everyone was discussing spending trillions of dollars?

Sinema is being blamed for keeping the Trump tax cuts currently. It was Biden who kept a set of taxes from Trump already and offered to keep more Trump tax cuts during “negotiations “.

Sinema and Manchin are not the problem. They are the scapegoat. Remind me, didn’t Biden run on his coalition of republicans who would help him pass bills?

Bruh, Sinema and Manchin aren't scapegoats. They are literally the only reason the bills are stopped. Sinema isn't even giving a reason for why she's not onboard.

Again, you can blame Biden for not providing the kinda leadership needed to move things forward, but you can't act like they aren't to blame when they are the literal reason why shit hasn't passed.
Bruh, Sinema and Manchin aren't scapegoats. They are literally the only reason the bills are stopped. Sinema isn't even giving a reason for why she's not onboard.

Again, you can blame Biden for not providing the kinda leadership needed to move things forward, but you can't act like they aren't to blame when they are the literal reason why shit hasn't passed.
Putin would have got that shit passed one way or another
I'm convinced that most of you aren't anywhere near mature enough to have a discussion about politics and this shit is all about endorphin rushes for you.

With that said... I'm gonna go back to lurking in these kinda threads.
I'm convinced that most of you aren't anywhere near mature enough to have a discussion about politics and this shit is all about endorphin rushes for you.

With that said... I'm gonna go back to lurking in these kinda threads.

who died and made you the politics king?

“They are literally the only reason why”


What about the dems who said they wouldn’t support the bill WITHOUT SALT? Who benefits from SALT?

“Sinema isn’t even giving a reason why she’s not onboard” hmmm.. Honestly? Can we be serious?

Sinema told dems she wasn’t going to vote for the reconciliation bill UNTILL they vote on the infrastructure bill. Then the progressives said they wouldn’t vote for the infrastructure bill without the reconciliation bill. Self sabotage. While they gut the bill of everything they promised.

Bruh, that shit is in the past. They compromised down to this 3.5 trillion dollar bill and now everyone is on board except Sinema and Manchin. You can say that they dropped the ball by not getting the full 6 trillion that Biden said he wanted, but at the end of the day there's a bill on the table now and Sinema and Manchin are the only reasons it's not going forward.
In the past? She told them last week. Lol

I was talking about the negotiations.

Dog, what are you even arguing about at this point?

Manchin makes millions from fossil fuels and this bill will cut down fossil fuel use greatly over the decade.

Sinema gets huge donations from big Pharma and this bill will allow for negotiations of pharmacy costs.

It's simple corruption, period. All the politicians are corrupt, but those have chosen to taken it even farther beyond than anyone else. You can blame Biden for not getting them in line, but you can't blame him for their bad acts. Again, it's a fact that they are the only things keeping the bill from going forward.
Just yesterday you had ny,nj democrats saying they were going to vote against the bill if SALT wasn’t apart of it.

this is a constant problem with the Democratic Party.. maybe it’s not by accident? That’s all I’m saying.

That was part of the negotiation but right now the bill is stable an everyone is on board except Manchin and Sinema. You guys seem to be the only people on earth disputing this fact. It weird.
Nah bruh, free community college (and also free trade school) is something I supported. This ain't the move, this some bullshit.
Nah bruh, free community college (and also free trade school) is something I supported. This ain't the move, this some bullshit.
Those definitely should have passed without issue or be at the top of the list. Hell put em in a separate package
I voted for Biden for one thing only I wanted the student loan relief. Again I vote only for my selfish gains only
This honesty is appreciated cuz its rare. Niggas pretend voting just to vote is noble and honorable, you're not.

Just understand that this mentality is why things won't change for our group for the foreseeable future