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Best Buy Will No Longer Sell CD’s

5th Letter

Mod Squad

A technologically obsolete medium that self-destructs over time? No wonder only 89 million CDs were purchased in all of 2017. Back in 2001, that number peaked at 800 million and many of those copies were sold by retail giants like Best Buy and Target. But as interest in physical discs has waned, so too has the amount of space these stores dedicate to such inventory. Soon enough, Best Buy will cease selling CDs altogether, while Target will ask record labels to front the costs, according to a new report from Billboard.

Come June 1st, Best Buy will no longer offer CDs in its retail stores. Physical music is only generating around $40 million in annual revenue for the company and executives would rather dedicate the floor space to more lucrative items, Billboard notes. Best Buy will continue to sell vinyl for at least the next two years, but titles will now be merchandised with turntables.

Meanwhile, Target is reportedly pressuring record companies into signing consignment agreements. Under such a scenario, the label would be required to purchase back any unsold inventory. Though Target only stocks 100 titles at any given time, it’s still responsible for a sizable chunk of sales. For example, last year Target moved 500,000 copies of Taylor Swift’s latest, Reputation. Even still, one major label has already turned down Target’s demands, while two others are undecided, according to Billboard.

I missed those days in grade school, when you got home from school to catch your favorite rappers on Rap City or going to the record store to cop their new album. new rap albums were like new Jordans; you wanted to get to the record store early, so you can be one of the first people to cop the album. Either listen to it through your portable cd player or in your car (If anyone of yall were old enough to drive unlike me). It wasn't nothing like going to the record store, cop that album, ripping that plastic open & let that good music play or ride.
Not surprised everytime i went there to buy a cd the section got smaller n smaller n barely ever saw anyone else browsing while i was there.

From their perspective if no one is buying that shit better to use that space for something that does sell.
Damn, Sign of the times. These record labels FUCKED outside of promo.

And it's their own fuckin fault.

Once CD's are gone the only time I'll buy music will be vinyl or buying an old CD or cassette. Past that, I'll stop buying music all together and I ain't paying for a streaming service either.
You're a real nigga if you still have a CD book


And they both full. I bought each one at the dollar store. The one at the bottom I copped around '06 after my old joint got stolen from my van. The one at the top I copped around '08 'cause the other one was full. They're old, dirty, had shit spilled on 'em and everything but I keep 'em loaded and ready.
Crazy shit. In

You eventually will

No, actually I won't. I have no desire to nor do I need to. There's very little music being released that I have any interest in and the stuff I do have an interest in is available via mp3, vinyl, and small CD runs.

Major labels will abandon the CD just like they did vinyl and cassette, but both are still in circulation thanks to small labels that make music worth listening to.
I missed those days in grade school, when you got home from school to catch your favorite rappers on Rap City or going to the record store to cop their new album. new rap albums were like new Jordans; you wanted to get to the record store early, so you can be one of the first people to cop the album. Either listen to it through your portable cd player or in your car (If anyone of yall were old enough to drive unlike me). It wasn't nothing like going to the record store, cop that album, ripping that plastic open & let that good music play or ride.

having that cd holder shit on your visor or that big ass book FULL riding shotgun
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And they both full. I bought each one at the dollar store. The one at the bottom I copped around '06 after my old joint got stolen from my van. The one at the top I copped around '08 'cause the other one was full. They're old, dirty, had shit spilled on 'em and everything but I keep 'em loaded and ready.

I got a cabinet mostly filled with CDs I've had since the mid 90's.