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Bernie Mac's Daughter Criticizes His Parenting, Called Her "Weak" and "Soft"

Well, since she decided to go on instagram to disrespect her father so many years after his death............I think it's safe to say that he was right about her.

@BernieMac's daughter:

Cutty slap.gif
I mean.......maybe there's other examples or maybe she just would choose different approaches a parent..... And that's cool and all..

But the story she told here.... Wee Bey Shrug.gif

I don't see what the fuck she's talking about AT ALL
Nobody not coddling their kids getting bullied, you making them go out and kick some ass. We all told our sons to "stop crying, you not no punk". This the same damn thing
There's a difference in preparing your kids for the world vs calling them weak. You don't have to talk down to somebody to accomplish this. She's also spoken extremely highly of her dad and how he's the main reason she never had a complex growing up about being a dark-skinned Black woman. So it sounds like he did some shit she liked and some shit she didn't like as a parent. Which is very normal.
Do yall have this same energy when an artist talks about their upbringing in their music when it involves their family?

When yall watch documentaries, do yall expect only the good to be shown? This wasnt even bad. She just spoke on her upbringing. They made amends. Not everyone is built tough. She just wanted to get that message across. There are many ways to raise a child.
Outside of how I feel one way or the other about his parenting, I would love to hear her reasoning for bringing this to light, now, this many years after the man is dead.
Why bring it up at all… Whether he’s dead or alive?

Seems odd…. And it ain’t that serious.

Maybe he was right… She lookin kinda weak right now by even speaking on this.