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Because I got high :/

I can't deal with an alcoholic but I prefer to date men that smoke weed as much as I do.

It has to be a shared commonality... Like Chris rock said one can't be going to church while the others goin to hit the pipe...

I think I told y'all before that my fantasy is to walk into a corner store and me and this dreamboat guy reach for the same pack of blunts at the same time and our hands slightly touch like 'oh excuse me!' 'no, after you!' then he pays for my blunts and asks me what I'm filling mines up with and if he can match one...*sighs*.... Someday...
So yo fantasy is to be Renae?
Lol...yo, I'ma tell a personal story that involves other people, I try to avoid this type of story but its funny as fuck..

My oldest sister was involved wit her first baby daddy. Typical thug/weed head from NY, right. So I think this summer alot of shit happened, he almost caught it to the dome while fighting off the shooter. The shooter ran off to escape and happen to pass by my sis and threatened her, dude at the time had assumed he domed her BD..

Anyway, dude was a stoner always into shit so my Sis finally was like..unless u get yo life together we are through. And she meant it, so dude for a few weeks was depressed then got on his shit. Enrolled in school, stayed away from us cause we was always in some fuck shit..he was turning his life around.

So one day we in the crib burning..he come in the crib wit his math book from college. Guess he was having a stressful day cause he ask just for a pull..he had stopped up till that point. So he take a pull, we kinda cyphering so the blunt staying in hands longer than normal.

Then we realize this nigga had the blunt for a good four minutes. Lol..this nigga was taking our blunt to the head. Anyway, he leave and my cuz was like..yo
This nigga left his book..yoooooooo, we laughed at that shit for a good 10 minutes. Nigga was such a fuck up it took just one evening wit us to knock him back off the wagon.

So we had a running joke that when he came over, we would have the book on the coffee table and do shit to bring attention to it, to see if he ever picks it up and takes it wit him.

Laughs were had
now that im older im so turned off by men that smoke weed daily.

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idk if SOME weed smokers know how silly they look and sound during conversations when high. this dude I was dating was always high as giraffe nuts whenever we were together. it took him like 45 mins to adjust to whats going on *eye roll* before that hes just smiling and looking stupid
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he was cool and still texts me every day telling me he wants to be with me and hopes ill be the mother of his kids one day but i dont wanna have a baby by a weed fiend :scust:

when i ask him will he ever cut back on smoking weed he says “imma die with a blunt in my hand”
its so damn annoying. like dude we are grown now, put the weed down. its ok to smoke every now and again but every day? Nah.

how do you feel about ppl that need to smoke or drink everyday?

Yeah I feel that. Paranoia is mainly what made me stop. But looking back at how much I smoked shit was crazy..

I wish my tolerance didn't just go to zero tho. Two pulls I'm gone. Edibles seem to curb that shit but I don't go out of my way to get em.

21 years of smoking and you could never tell now.

But to answer the ts question shit weird to me. Most of my friends have cut down heavy. I see it mostly in my customers. Some people be at the club every night and its wild to not suggest maybe they should stay home or take a break not knowing what their situation is because I want them to spend every dollar they have there. Weed and alcohol fill a lot of vices.
I smoke but I don't smoke every day because I'm a grown up with responsibilities and bills. Also constantly high all the times builds up a tolerance which in turns to smoking all the time.
I smoke but I don't smoke every day because I'm a grown up with responsibilities and bills. Also constantly high all the times builds up a tolerance which in turns to smoking all the time.

Most days I don’t touch my shit until after 10pm, but I still smoke 9 days outta 10