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Yow you can't tell hoes shit bout flaunting their bodies after they get their enhancements yo.
Confidence on arrogance 🤣

And I would have beaten before too I like tall chix
Yow you can't tell hoes shit bout flaunting their bodies after they get their enhancements yo.
Confidence on arrogance 🤣

And I would have beaten before too I like tall chix
Rum Nitty agree with you.. But her old body did nothing for me plus the fact she’s WNBA center tall.. But now with her new body I would definitely make exception for her.. Even tho I bet she’s kind of annoying in bed with her randomly suwoooin’ loud as hell for no reason…
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Rum Nitty agree with you.. But her old body did nothing for me plus the fact she’s WNBA canter tall.. But now with her new body I would definitely make exception for her.. Even tho I bet she’s kind of annoying in bed with her randomly suwoooin’ loud as hell for no reason…
How you came to this conclusion lol
There making millions from the app and now you want us by your ppvs.. Which I bet is to really support Caffeine.. I don’t think the exces @ Caffeine can get anymore investors to stupidly to invest more into that company.. Caffeine does horrible real numbers when they’re not streaming URL events.. So they desperately need the revenue and you know Smack & Beasley aren’t giving them any theof app profits.. So I’m guessing some Caffeine exec saw the numbers KOTD, RBE & Remy did.. And said let’s try to milk these niggas for some revenue…
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The one good thing about this situation is your nowgoing to really see by the reaction of the battlerap “media”.. Who’s comprised and who’s uncompromised.. I’m sure Beasley already made the phone calls to Black Comprised “Media” to get out there and start spinning this situation.. I can already hear how the excuses on spaces is going to go.. “This about supporting a black business trying to level up”(even though there’s tons of evidence out there about the URL trying stop other black owned leagues/platforms from from eating).. And I can already hear the good company getting on spaces or social media tweeting shit like.. “Y’all don’t want to see us eat.. This means more money for us.. This will help us level up and grow are brands”.. “So y’all will support RBE & Chrome ppvs but not the URLs”.. “URL gave you niggas more than a decade of free battles(the internet ain’t free tho) and now you niggas don’t want to support the innovators”. .“Y’all bought URL ppvs before but now all of a sudden you broke ass niggas.. don’t want to support to help out the battlers.. Fuck all of you broke ass niggas forever“.. “This ain’t about supporting URL or Caffeine it’s about supporting us the battlers.. Y’all wanted us to get paid more.. this is going to help us get more bags.. If you don’t buy the PPV then don’t ever say your truly for the CULTURE“…
So if this becomes the norm they basically putting battles behind a paywall. Either pay for caffeine to see it live or pay to see it on the app.

Guess that karaoke white boy got him another Chrome BODY