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Backlash hits Pepsi and Kendall Jenner for tone-deaf ad

Race Jones

gangster. grace. alchemy
You know how teachers in well-intention, but unavoidably cringey ‘90s movies starring some nice white lady tried to appeal to the youth by having her rap Shakespeare?

Well, a new Pepsi ad featuring Kendall Jenner is kind of like that, but somehow even more terrible. This two-and-a-half-minute disaster co-opts imagery of the various protests that have taken place before and after Donald Trump’s election, as well as the anger felt by many people, especially millennials, for the brand’s benefit.

The ad follows the reality TV star as she joins a crowd of young people marching by her totally casual street-side photoshoot. Whipping off her blond wig and smearing her lipstick, young Jenner picks up a Pepsi as her contemporaries of all races and orientations smile at her and fist bump along. Seriously. Someone actually fist bumps her.

That’s when the supermodel approaches a line of policemen monitoring the protest and hands a particularly attractive officer a Pepsi. Of course, he takes a sip, prompting the crowd to erupt in cheers. Duh, all we need to solve policing issues in this country is a refreshing beverage.

An actual image of resistance: Ieshia Evans is detained by law enforcement as she protests the shooting death of Alton Sterling near the headquarters of the Baton Rouge Police Department.*

the image of Jenner approaching the police line is all too similar to the widely shared photo of Black Lives Matter protester Ieshia Evans in Baton Rogue in 2016, as Elle notes. Unlike Jenner, however, Evans was arrested. If only she had a Pepsi in hand.


Almost punched a hole through my laptop screen while watchin that bs
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But how many of us are drinking a Pepsi tonight? The fact that the marketing department and the people that make decisions thought that this would work is scary. Who told them that she was a leader or a difference maker for any struggle? But more importantly why would they commercialize a protest with their product? Thank you @Race Jones for getting me to look at the world again. I thought I was safe after you didn't make a thread about the racist cop that was on 60 minutes and said she was treated like the victim of a lynch mob. I am going back to Iditate now @BNE will explain what that is
Ok I'll be odd one out the group...

Yeah I don't really see the what the big fuss is. It's an unnecessarily long Pepsi commercial, but that's it. I don't see how anyone can compare that to what Ieshia Evans did.

Not the 1st time in a commercial where a beverage was used as peace offering to an authority figure. Coke and Pepsi een doing this kinda thing for decades. Lol.

I think people don't like the fact it was a Kardashian. I don't care for them at all either. But I wouldn't even have known who the hefa no one mentioned her. She would've been just another bony azzz model chick to me. Meh.
No pepsi at night unless you trying to stay up. I mean i know commercials can hit your subconscious but foljs drinking whats around. Pepsi coke root beer whatever.
Ok I'll be odd one out the group...

Yeah I don't really see the what the big fuss is. It's an unnecessarily long Pepsi commercial, but that's it. I don't see how anyone can compare that to what Ieshia Evans did.

Not the 1st time in a commercial where a beverage was used as peace offering to an authority figure. Coke and Pepsi een doing this kinda thing for decades. Lol.

I think people don't like the fact it was a Kardashian. I don't care for them at all either. But I wouldn't even have known who the hefa no one mentioned her. She would've been just another bony azzz model chick to me. Meh.
I agree but those I like to buy the world a coke and keep them company commercials where in a different time. People are hyper attentive now and companies should be aware of that. It was just in poor taste.
No pepsi at night unless you trying to stay up. I mean i know commercials can hit your subconscious but foljs drinking whats around. Pepsi coke root beer whatever.
Reducing your soda intake is a good think. Not trying to preach to you but it is not good for you or the kids.
But how many of us are drinking a Pepsi tonight? The fact that the marketing department and the people that make decisions thought that this would work is scary. Who told them that she was a leader or a difference maker for any struggle? But more importantly why would they commercialize a protest with their product? Thank you @Race Jones for getting me to look at the world again. I thought I was safe after you didn't make a thread about the racist cop that was on 60 minutes and said she was treated like the victim of a lynch mob. I am going back to Iditate now @BNE will explain what that is

I saw that 60 minute episode.

Both parties left a sour taste in my mouth
Ok I'll be odd one out the group...

Yeah I don't really see the what the big fuss is. It's an unnecessarily long Pepsi commercial, but that's it. I don't see how anyone can compare that to what Ieshia Evans did.

Not the 1st time in a commercial where a beverage was used as peace offering to an authority figure. Coke and Pepsi een doing this kinda thing for decades. Lol.

I think people don't like the fact it was a Kardashian. I don't care for them at all either. But I wouldn't even have known who the hefa no one mentioned her. She would've been just another bony azzz model chick to me. Meh.

maybe this post will help you understand peoples frustration behind this ad

Kendall is not some starving teenager from Soviet Russia desperate for gigs. She has POWER.
point, blank, period and headass commercials like these occur when you dont have enough Black people in the boardroom.

a lot to be frustrated and upset about here @InstagramusPrime360

we can start at the dynamics of policing in this country

we can start at the fact ppl have this weirdo love affair with police and the violence they inflict on Black people.

we can start at the fact that these conversations are not as simple as a commercial with Kendall handing out fucking pepsi and prancing around a mock protest.

I dont dislike her because shes a kardashian

I dislike how people like her---- in positions of power are so racially and politically tone deaf

I mean last year you saw Black men, women, children being killed left and right and you mean to tell me nobody said "HOLD TF UP, MAYBE THIS CONCEPT IS DUMPSTER TRASH AND WE SHOULD HEAD IN ANOTHER DIRECTION"

or what happened when whole foods and five guys started expressing their love for police and had to retract their statements after the backlash.

I mean come on.
maybe this post will help you understand peoples frustration behind this ad

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Yeah that didn't do anything.

I don't need that hefa, or a Pepsi commercial to ignite something that was already there.

My frustration for how toxic this political environment was already there.

My frustration for cops getting off Scott free for killing unarmed black men was already there.

My frustration for the idiocracy of American people who vote against their own best interest was already there.

Again I think it had more to do wit it a Kardashian being seen as"leader" of that revolution in the commercial than anything. That I can understand.

Not saying i support the commercial, but it didn't ignite the kinda anger i would've had if it George Zimmerman was in it. Or if Pepsi posted "Blue Live Matter" at the end.