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!dream young Adult African ancient Jedi , moebius , style of moebius , high detail, Black man , 8k photorealistic, neon colors , fantasypunk ,clockpunk, fantasy landscape, surrealism, apocalyptic, realistic, Cinematic, Color Grading, portrait Photography, Ultra-Wide Angle, Depth of Field, hyper-detailed, beautifully color-coded, insane details, intricate details, beautifully color graded, Unreal Engine, Cinematic, Color Grading, Editorial Photography, Photography, Photoshoot, Shot on 70mm lens, Depth of Field, DOF



do all of these apps ask yall to upload pics? they gotta be compiling this shit from somewhere

Nope, none of those pics I put up came from my personal pics. That said, they also aren't dreaming the images up from nowhere. They must have access to a database of some sort that they use as a foundation.
!dream A detailed hourglass of space by peter poldier, craig mullins, gerald seabamag, thomas kindkade lehrer, darwin yants, trending on artstation, concept art, greg rutkowski, enhanced features, nordic animation, ultra wide angle, nordic ai-sdb-16739757475608-6150-4861459906681108.jpg

!dream impressive photo, insane intricate detailed, very high quality african goddess trying to touch the stars, 4K high resolution, <lora:Addmore_details:1.0>
Steps: 30 | Seed: 1212687249 | Sampler: PNDM | CFG scale: 7 | Size: 1024x1024 | Parser: Full parser | Model: sd_xl_base | Model hash: be9edd61 | Refiner: sdxl_refiner | Version: 4535a99 | Pipeline: Diffusers | Operations: txt2img | Lora hashes: "Add_more_details: 3b8aa1d351ef"

dream prompt

!dream photography, <lora:viking punkai_v10:0.2>, extreme closeup of an old african viking punkai wizard (casting a spell:1.2) wearing ornamented clothes, (glowing eyes:1.1), dark background, <lora:LowRA:0.7>, <hypernet:cosmicangelASurrealAnd_cosmicangelv1:0.7>


“High detailed, Afro centric, a green haired pimp smacking a big breast white woman while holding a scotch, Stan lee”

AI all confused, lol. Shorty looks like Race.
!dream photography, <lora:young african princess_v10:0.2>, extreme closeup of an young african princess (casting a spell:1.2) wearing peach ornamented clothes, (glowing eyes:1.1), orange background, <lora:LowRA:0.7>, <hypernet:cosmicangelASurrealAnd_cosmicangelv1:0.7>
