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I use to be an IC'er lol.
I understand tho that many make reference to IC and how it use to be...USED TO BE... it's dead now ..LONG LIVE aBlackWeb!
{insert chaining day gif}
of hearing about the fucking IC.
They battered spouses b. Or maybe they were really important posters on the IC. Idk, I dont recall.

But the silver lining is, IC opening they doors back up. We might see a mass exodus and the remember the time post should slow down
They battered spouses b. Or maybe they were really important posters on the IC. Idk, I dont recall.

But the silver lining is, IC opening they doors back up. We might see a mass exodus and the remember the time post should slow down

I'm sorry nigga what?
With the IC coming back you mods will have less power hahahahahaha how does it feel? I bet that shit hurts deep inside...play nice now.

The good news is I will not be leaving this site so you can sleep easy Kandy.
With the IC coming back you mods will have less power hahahahahaha how does it feel? I bet that shit hurts deep inside...play nice now.

The good news is I will not be leaving this site so you can sleep easy Kandy.
I don’t care enough.