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Are you coming to rescue her?

Cool. Let's have it.

Regarding marrying a woman who would ever have an issue with that sort of thing: I wouldn't.

That's it. That's the conversation. I'd never even have a serious relationship with a woman who had an issue with my children's moms if that issue is based solely on the fact that they are my exes, or had a problem with how close we are. I'd also never marry a woman who would allow her ego or own insecurities to prevent her from opening her doors to an abused woman. I could go on, but you get the idea.

It's pretty much exactly what @Duwop said earlier. And he said the shit better than I did. I know myself. I know what I find valuable in a partner and in a relationship. The type of woman I'd marry would PROACTIVELY tell me 'Oh hell naw. He put his hands on her? Fuck that! Tell her she can come stay here for a while so she can get away from homie. I'll go make sure there are clean sheets on the bed in the guest room.'
But what if said woman did all she could to make your life miserable? Including not seeing your child and lying in court.

should your wife who sees the toll it took on you feel you should save her?

not all people are worthy of saving and burned bridges.
Why she gotta stay with the father, go stay with her people

q. is your baby mom your ex wife?

because all this animosity seems to be stemming from the fact she divorced you js

i really feel like youre reasoning would be different if yall had an amicable split

you come off very bitter and jaded
Also.....you have an ideal situation. Your bm hella cooperative.

This is a factually incorrect statement. Lol.My situation is NOT ideal. My son's mom is cooperative. My daughter's mom? Less so, But there are reasons for that and she's starting to understand how this is supposed to go.
q. is your baby mom your ex wife?

because all this animosity seems to be stemming from the fact she divorced you js

i really feel like youre reasoning would be different if yall had an amicable split

you come off very bitter and jaded

No animosity, it's none of my business what happens in another nigga relationship. My only responsibility is to my kids and I'm going to make sure they good. I'll offer to drop her off somewhere
This is a factually incorrect statement. Lol.My situation is NOT ideal. My son's mom is cooperative. My daughter's mom? Less so, But there are reasons for that and she's starting to understand how this is supposed to go.
Hope all works out. Stay on dat ass
A man can come anytime to get your ex at your crib while they all of them is there.

Telling them their safe and having preventative measures to show them they are safe are totally different.

How are you showing them they are safe?

Again. Your wife and kid don’t feel safe. What’s your next course of action.
Basically you're trying to paint me into a box where I'm "choosing" my ex over my wife... Cuz that's the only way you want to see the situation.

That's not how I operate. I am a protector.
The mother of my child is not just an ex. That may be how y'all niggaz think. But that's not how I operate. The mother of my child is forever family to me. Because that's who I am as a person. And this will be well known by anyone who deals with me.

Now... For this hypothetical situation.... If for whatever reason my child and wife don't feel safe..... It would only be because danger is 100% coming. And if it is coming, and we know about it. I will easily place ALL of my family somewhere else safe with people we all trust that this dude doesn't know about until the situation is resolved.

I am p
See......where did I ever blame all women’s?

stop lying

I give all good moms and women props.


nah youre always at womens necks

now, im aganist women making shit hard for men who want to be an active parent so im not condoning whatever the hell you got going on

but its clear your babymom got you seeing shit a certain way

and its negative asf
nah youre always at womens necks

now, im aganist women making shit hard for men who want to be an active parent so im not condoning whatever the hell you got going on

but its clear your babymom got you seeing shit a certain way

and its negative asf
I’m on ain’t shit dudes neck too ....true or false?

your narrative holds no weight
Basically you're trying to paint me into a box where I'm "choosing" my ex over my wife... Cuz that's the only way you want to see the situation.

That's not how I operate. I am a protector.
The mother of my child is not just an ex. That may be how y'all niggaz think. But that's not how I operate. The mother of my child is forever family to me. Because that's who I am as a person. And this will be well known by anyone who deals with me.

Now... For this hypothetical situation.... If for whatever reason my child and wife don't feel safe..... It would only be because danger is 100% coming. And if it is coming, and we know about it. I will easily place ALL of my family somewhere else safe with people we all trust that this dude doesn't know about until the situation is resolved.

I am p

I don’t get where this y’all shit coming from.

but im just talking asking questions picking each other brain seeing how different folks act I’m different scenarios.
I already said I don’t know how I would act because I play till it’s over. I done tone all the way the fuck down but aint no half way shit with me once I’m in that mind frame. Never was and never will.

My now wife becomes my ex and she have to call me she already know how this gon play out be it that day or later that week. I don’t do half stepping.