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Are you coming to rescue her?

Imagine ever marrying a woman who would have a big problem with you allowing the mother of your child to stay with you in order to avoid further ass whooping.

We not ready for that conversation though.
Also.....you have an ideal situation. Your bm hella cooperative.
Let’s have it.

now your new wife and mother of your kid don’t feel safe because of the situation your ex is in and bringing it to where her and her child live.

Cool. Let's have it.

Regarding marrying a woman who would ever have an issue with that sort of thing: I wouldn't.

That's it. That's the conversation. I'd never even have a serious relationship with a woman who had an issue with my children's moms if that issue is based solely on the fact that they are my exes, or had a problem with how close we are. I'd also never marry a woman who would allow her ego or own insecurities to prevent her from opening her doors to an abused woman. I could go on, but you get the idea.

It's pretty much exactly what @Duwop said earlier. And he said the shit better than I did. I know myself. I know what I find valuable in a partner and in a relationship. The type of woman I'd marry would PROACTIVELY tell me 'Oh hell naw. He put his hands on her? Fuck that! Tell her she can come stay here for a while so she can get away from homie. I'll go make sure there are clean sheets on the bed in the guest room.'
Tell her what's going on, and give her assurances. If you can't convince your wife she's safe, I don't know what to tell you. That's something I can't relate to

A man can come anytime to get your ex at your crib while they all of them is there.

Telling them their safe and having preventative measures to show them they are safe are totally different.

How are you showing them they are safe?

Again. Your wife and kid don’t feel safe. What’s your next course of action.
Do u believe in a parrallel universe?

But what if the abuser is also her baby daddy, she allowed to sic him on you when she sees fit?