Are you coming to rescue her?

Lol, violence is not the only answer to protecting some one. If it is your go to, have at it. You dont have to go there when the abuser is there.

Assume you have an ok, cordial relationship with your bm/bf.

You can provide a safe place while she figures out what she is gonna do. Assuming she doesnt have any where to go. Or put her in a hotel if she dont have the money. If she is not thinking of leaving dude or pressing charges and leaving, then go get full custody of your kid/s. I assume she called you because she feels safest around your.
So niggas have an issue w the cops dealing w an obvious crime? Ain’t that why we pay taxes?

It's the "why" behind it. Niggas is calling the cops more out of spite and to have something to hold over their BM, who according to some of the responses deserves little to no care or concern just because you're no longer in a relationship with her, and not out of true genuine concern over the environment that their child may be being exposed to.
Also I see a lil bit of flip flopping in this thread.

In the thread about the kid getting shot by his NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR and not doing something in the heat of the moment but doing something much after the fact to a man that hit your ex.
Interesting catch
Lol, violence is not the only answer to protecting some one. If it is your go to, have at it. You dont have to go there when the abuser is there.

Assume you have an ok, cordial relationship with your bm/bf.

You can provide a safe place while she figures out what she is gonna do. Assuming she doesnt have any where to go. Or put her in a hotel if she dont have the money. If she is not thinking of leaving dude or pressing charges and leaving, then go get full custody of your kid/s. I assume she called you because she feels safest around your.

The bold is also part of what's very telling because the automatic assumption is that simply because you're not together the relationship with the BM is adversarial instead of 2 people co-parenting their child together. So it seems alot of the "It ain't my business" is some personal get back type shit
So niggas have an issue w the cops dealing w an obvious crime? Ain’t that why we pay taxes?
The cops most likely will take down a bullshit report that they won't investigate, likely side with the woman and won't diffuse the situation. Seeing the corruption from those clowns there's no way in hell we have anything to talk about those niggaz ain't help me in my 28 years of life, i wouldn't even trust a cop to help me if my car broke down
violence is not the only answer to protecting some one. If it is your go to, have at it. You dont have to go there when the abuser is there.
It's a potential scenario. Especially if it just happened and she calls you frantic.
I think some unless they really hate their bm wouldn't be averse to helping in some of the ways you suggested but most dudes who heading over there know it's a likely possibility something ignorant could happen and the dudes that are for helping her out seems ready for whatever may come
So if I get this correctly the female in distress should call you instead of the authorities? Are there any boundaries or are u only available when she gets the Ike Turner?
Nigga called the police
They was arrested ...I think he did eight yrs or some shit.
Dancer was reduced to teaching kids hip hop dancing. He cool ass shit too. He holds no ill will.

ABW superheroes , y’all willing to spend 8 years away from ur families to prove a point?
The bold is also part of what's very telling because the automatic assumption is that simply because you're not together the relationship with the BM is adversarial instead of 2 people co-parenting their child together. So it seems alot of the "It ain't my business" is some personal get back type shit
Niggaz projecting their relationships into the context.....

Which is the same thing I'm doing, which is why I say the mother of my child will always be safe with me.

But if these niggaz already hate their bm's or any ex's they have.... Of course they don't give a fuck about her getting beat up.

ABW superheroes , y’all willing to spend 8 years away from ur families to prove a point?

Lol @ Superheros. The bar for superhero is super low if not allowing your child's mother to get beat the fuck up makes you one. But come to think of it, I HAVE always been bigger and stronger than regular humans. And lasers shoot outta my eyes from time to time.