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Any of y’all got bad or weird sleeping habits?

I have to be cold. The tv has to be on (at least to fall asleep) and if I sleep on my back I have nightmares.
cosign cold room...wasnt always like that but used to it now

i keep my socks on most of the time

wake up @ 3:30-4am no matter what time i went to bed
I can't sleep uncovered. I have to have at least a sheet over me no matter how hot it is.

I also hate sleeping with pajamas or anything on.

When I was in high school I absolutely had to sleep with my socks on, can't figure that one out to this day 'cause I can't fall asleep in bed with them on.
I have to smoke weed right before bed or I just lay there and stuff.

After I got my blood clots my legs cramp up really bad when I lay down so I move them around a lot until I pass out

Pretty sure I snore.

Depends on the bed, but i usually cant fall asleep unless I'm on my back. Used to never be like that until i got my blood clots.
Are you handicap? Serious question
I used to sleep with the tv on, but I've been sleeping with it off for the past couple months.

Cs the crib needing to be cold.
I can sleep in silence or with music on, but if I sleep with music on my dreams are a lot more vivid and weird.
I drool. It's worse when I have a cold. Smh

Like Mooney...I gotta have the fan running at ALL times. Thru all the seasons. If I don't, I get hot easily and can't sleep.

I sleep side to side. I'll roll on my back for a lil to relieve the pressure on my side, but then I roll to the other side.

Pillow has to fluffy. Anything less will cause me to have a headache.

I have the tendency to be physically active while sleeping from time to time. My body reacts to my dreams. One time I accidentally knee'd my s/o on her side b/c of a knee jerk reaction in my dream.
For example, do you grind your teeth while sleeping? Do you rock to sleep? Do you talk in your sleep?

I don’t get enough sleep due to meds. And i smoke so I don’t have REM sleep unless I’m taking a nap. But I tend to get 4 to 5 hours uninterrupted
Sleep paralysis.

Used to get it really bad when I was in high school

Now if I get it it's because I'm dead tired and I'm sleeping on my back.
I also prefer complete darkness when I go to bed. When we moved to AZ back inna day them 5am broad as fuck daylight shits had my sleep schedule all fucked up.
I clench my teeth.
I sleep at the foot of my bed.
I use three fans.
Cartoons must be on.
I rub my feet together.
  • Haha
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