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anti-Black memes do more harm than good

lol This shit didn't even get one post deep before the shits began.

Anyway, I agree with the OP. Those shits are stupid. People think they are clever when they make them, but glossing over decades of history and contributing factors for the current state of black people in America isn't a good way of sparking worthwhile conversation.
In races defence, even at the risk making dumb memes even more viral, the bottom line is they aren't gonna stop being made and there are already countless ignorant ppl and platforms who already done the damage of kick-starting the wild fire spread.. so they warrant discussion.
I go wherever I feel like.

Memes get their power from going viral and being shared across the web... by you sharing something that you're "tired of" you give it power and bring attention to it no?

I mean, I think just 'sharing' something on social media, even if you comment or whatever that it's harmful...is totally different than coming on a forum and posting about it to get a conversation started, since clearly people don't understand how stupid and harmful them shits can be.
As a group, we dont buy. We spend. Black people are the biggest consumers, because we are the most deprived. Simple math. When we get our hands on some money we spend it to our fulfillment. That's where the words "stuntin" and "shinin" etc come from in hip hop
I go wherever I feel like.

Memes get their power from going viral and being shared across the web... by you sharing something that you're "tired of" you give it power and bring attention to it no?

its a conversation piece

are you slow?
I mean, I think just 'sharing' something on social media, even if you comment or whatever that it's harmful...is totally different than coming on a forum and posting about it to get a conversation started, since clearly people don't understand how stupid and harmful them shits can be.

its a conversation piece

are you slow?

talking about how sharing the dumb shit is detrimental and increases the likelihood of more memes like it being created, shared and repeating the cycle is part of the conversation.

lol no need for the childish insults
I go wherever I feel like.

Memes get their power from going viral and being shared across the web... by you sharing something that you're "tired of" you give it power and bring attention to it no?
Correct but that does not apply to this forum

That's like you saying she shouldn't bring this meme home to share with her family