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Very good movie don't listen to @GOAT this is an intellectual's movie.

It's a thinking man's movie. They touched on a lot of themes major one being the unknown and fear of it as well as life and death, Pandora's Box, Prometheus (the one who gave the humans fire), even had some religion thrown in there. There's a lot to take from it. There was a lot of mythology and metaphors thrown in. The cinematography was gorgeous, and used sound to its advantage. I don't want to give away the movie lolol but it was far From what I expected. Very good movie I rate it 8.5/10

The movie plot plays off of fear and our will to survive with it as the base of our decisions and motivations. There's a LOT of metaphors sprinkled throughout. Portman was scared to move on because of her husband possibly coming back. The people in the oxygen suits interviewing her in quarantine. The Spanish chick terrified when her fingertips were changing. The psychiatrist having nothing to live for. We are scared of change when change is the only constant and the only way to go to greater heights. The fear of the unknown. Instead of embracing this phenomena we fight it and it becomes the hardship of the journey until we realize it. Portman and her husband became one with the entity and eventually accepted it so long as they had each other. She accepted that her husband had died but understood what was happening. The flashbacks were her holding on to the past. We want structure because we think it gives us control, when they crossed over into the force field all of that went out the window even on a molecular level. The movie was really good but it's a thinking mans film, if you're looking for a popcorn flick and don't want to think it's not for you.

I saw it but didn't get the concept of the movie until ^^^^
I orginally wanted to see Death Wish but changed my mind.
Same !!! Yo great minds think alike !! I went to the theatre and was literally torn between this and Death Wish. I chose this instead and I'm glad cuz niggas said Death Wish might be one of the worst movies of the year and we're only in March LOLOLOLOL

Yeah and I don't normally check for movie reviews at all but when I was checking for movies to go see on Fandango wasn't anything but Annihilation or Death Wish. When I saw 15% for DW I just said fuck it and went the other way because I remember seeing the old Death Wish films as a kid lol.

I was about ready to was ready to walk out on Annihilation because of how slow it was.
Ok so since the shimmer is depression everyone who goes in comes out changed either mentally, physically or both. The guy with the eel stomach was a physical change and there was a part where Gina's fingerprints were moving...and when Natalie looked at her blood under the microscope, it was multiplying. It was fucking em up physically. So the guy that got stuck on the wall was like the disease spreading and it was getting to the rest of the rest of the crew. It was on the lighthouse too cuz the husband had been there.

I didn't think of the tattoo but I'd guess it's another way to show the physical effects cuz the husband had the same tat.

The ending was the representation of how Natalie and the husband "beat" the disease. He came back but he wasn't fine....he was literally dead inside (the real him that got blown up) and just a shell of himself. Natalie came back a lil more equipped to deal with the depression as it's an ongoing battle often for the rest of someone's life. So when they hugged and she had the alien eyes, it could be a reminder that she's always gonna have to live with it even tho she made it out better than most.

All that shit u talk about my taste in film....

Looks like we agree here

I liked it. Just confused af by it and the conclusions everyone drew.

Your taste in film still trash bro.
If ya'll think the movie was weird don't read the books. They are truly out there conceptually. Anyway the movie was ok not something I'd ever see again but better than I expected considering my general dislike of both Portman and Rodriguez.
I definitely need to see this a third time cuz somebody asked me something about it yesterday and I was like


maybe I don't understand this shit as well as I thought I did lol
Watching this complete mind fuck right now