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Animals in your home that were not pets...

Bet these frequently


And x amount of baby birds that I burned alive in my chimney
Wait so rats gonna come when it’s cold?! ???

I’m scared of those.
Never had rats. Just a few mice over a few years. Rats are bigger. Mice will enter a home regardless if your home is spotless or dirty. They look for a warm place to nest and eat. They can get in your place through very small cracks in your house, walls, and pipes. Pest control is your best option to prevent them from coming.
Not at my home, but at my old job which was a cable company that supplied service to over 90,000 customers, 10,000 businesses, and was the back bone for the vast majority of fiber in my city. The building had so much rats. That every other morning when you came to work. You got punch in the face with the smell of dead rat carcasses in the walls. And even though out company made 500 mill in EBITA. Our general manager had to walk around the building with a sniffer and a sledge hammer to retrieve the dead rats..


Lol..one time he went on vacation and one of the traps that snap a rats neck. Got set off in the hallway and it stay there for the whole time he was gone cause nobody else wanted to touch it
Use ammonia for mice around the house. They hate the smell.

Had a bat come in the house called like bro over with the bb gun he shot it but didn't find it upstairs. Next day at work he sends me a pic of it dead outside

Lol bro had a raccoon come in his house every night while at work. So he got a cage and caught that muthafucka. Can't tell the rest because of statue of limitations
  • Goat
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Had a rat move in behind the freezer in the side passage. Always had back door left open for the dog in the summer, must of wandered in sometime then.

Only noticed when a full bag of potatoes went missing. Rat must of been on roids cus he hauled the full bag up the back of the freezer.

Pulled the freezer out one day and it launched itself off the back onto my chest and scurried out the back. Never saw it again.
Had a rat move in behind the freezer in the side passage. Always had back door left open for the dog in the summer, must of wandered in sometime then.

Only noticed when a full bag of potatoes went missing. Rat must of been on roids cus he hauled the full bag up the back of the freezer.

Pulled the freezer out one day and it launched itself off the back onto my chest and scurried out the back. Never saw it again.
Fuck no. I said I only kill creatures if it was only necessary or last option. That rat touch me? It gots to go, lol. But I probably run away to my shower frantically, lol
Had a rat move in behind the freezer in the side passage. Always had back door left open for the dog in the summer, must of wandered in sometime then.

Only noticed when a full bag of potatoes went missing. Rat must of been on roids cus he hauled the full bag up the back of the freezer.

Pulled the freezer out one day and it launched itself off the back onto my chest and scurried out the back. Never saw it again.
That wasn't a rat, that was a Gollum
Not in my parents house but I do remember my grandfather got stung by a bunch of bees once that had made created a hive in the ceiling of him and my grandmother's bedroom. He went to swat one thinking it had just flew in through an open window and them shits came out the wall in full attack mode. Took my little brother years before he ever went back upstairs in their house after that because he's allergic to bee stings and was scared as shit
  • Ether
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Had a squirrel problem before I got vinyl siding on my home back in the day. They chewed a hole through the roof. Niggas was wylin in the attic making noise at all times of the night then they got in the house running around. I popped a couple of them with a BB gun but then ended up having to call animal control.
We had a king snake slither his ass into our crib when we lived up in the mountains in AZ. Wife had the back door open while the kids were in the back yard playing around. I came out of the office and was about to head out back when this muhfucka brought his ass into the crib.


The damn thing went into the laundry room so I ran in there with it and closed the door before realizing I ain't have shit to beat the muhfucka with. Thankfully I had a half used can of R134 I had just used to recharge our van's AC with, so I hit it with that shit until it stopped moving. My ass was about to fuckin pass out from breathing that shit, but once it seemed dead I opened the door, grabbed my mallet, and smashed it's head.
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My sister lives in a 500k home and her neighbor’s home was built on a scorpion colony…😳

I don’t know if y’all know how big that is but them mfers are falling out the ac vents on the regular over there.

Bruh... We LIVED in a house built on a scorpion den.

Nice ass crib, 3000sq/ft, big ass lot, goddamned scorpions every time I turn around. Two different types too: Your typical bark scorpions every time I go out to the garage or in the crib (once I found one in the baby bag right as we were leaving out), and one extra creepy one I still have yet to identify that was crawling down the wall but it's body was moving back and forth like a snake.

Got the fuck outta that lease 'cause the landlord didn't want to do shit about it and we got a quote for some astronomical amount of money to have an exterminator come out 'cause it was so bad.