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Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Your house dirty af. I didn’t leave. I had to leave my house real quick so I just threw the game down. Unless it kicked me back to my island

i be running outta backpack space so i be storing shit everywhere in the house. I need to pay the racoon for a new room just for storage.

Somebody was at my door and when i came back it had went into sleep mode so it probably kicked you too

i got some tuff u can have next time u come back i gotta go rummage through the house for it tho
Let me get the house together first.

i forgot i had paid to have an extra room added before i stopped playing.. thats the one that was blocked off by all the junk in my living room yesterday

i moved all the stuff n went in there n it was empty.

might make that the storage room idk yet
I’m about to go home and play this til I fall asleep. I had to take my certification test today and I’m drained.
I got 2 that i wanna banish right now

they just dont fit in
I got one I wanna get rid of but I need more males. I have 6 girls and 4 men. My favorite resident is this hamster that loves working out. Then all of a sudden another resident started working out a lot.