America's biggest pimp, Dennis Hof, found dead in one of his brothels

I remember him on the documentary American Pimp saying he hopes do die of a heart attack getting the best piece of pussy he's ever had. Yeah he said that. lol
Hugh Hefner was still the best pimp to ever do it.

hugh was on some player shit

the gentleman of leisure

to me, he more-so represented the single baller lifestyle...hence "playboy"...hey, this is how single rich socialites live

and the mag was about much more then them softcore pics....shits a culture

one thing Hugh didnt do for sure was sell pussy...he and Dennis didnt cook in the same kitchen
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hugh was on some player shit

the gentleman of leisure

to me, he more-so represented the single baller lifestyle...hence "playboy"...hey, this is how single rich socialites live

and the mag was about much more then them softcore pics....shits a culture

one thing Hugh didnt do for sure was sell pussy...he and Dennis didnt cook in the same kitchen

He put them in magazines and sold them. BEST believe he was selling pussy. LOL