Jacob Anderson is an amazing actor.
Lemme say this again... Jacob Anderson is an AMAZING actor.... However Louis is only the main character in two books. Interview and merrick.... And Merrick is so far down the line in books we may never see that story.
I mean if this becomes the most popular show on TV then we might get lucky, cuz Merrick is a cool ass character ... she's a black witch, and Claudia comes back in that story.. so it would be fun to watch.... But I really doubt we get that deep.
After interview, Lestat becomes the primary protagonist in the novels... And as nuts as the shit Louis got going for this season 2..... He can't fuck with Lestat when it comes to ridiculous ass entertaining stories. Like imo interview is boring in comparison to the QOTD and TotBT stories... Which are the two right after interview. In both of those books Lestat bullshit has GLOBAL implications. Like shit is dramatic right now but we still on book 1... With hints of book 2.... But If we get to books 3,4&5.... They gonna need a bigger budget, and people will quickly forget all about this Louis/Armand/Lestat love triangle... Cuz it really means nothing when everything starts getting threatened