Am I The Only One Who Hates This Sh*t?

If it's for white people, it seems like you are playing the 'Look, I'm one of the good ones!'.
I don’t see it like that either tho. I see it as “because I’m black, don’t group me with negative shit that black people are associated with.”
Do you think that about the Black and educated type of shirts?

Same way. Like...who is that shirt aimed at? Black people already know that there are tons black folks who are educated. And if it's aimed at white folks, what message are you conveying with that shirt. And why?

But like I said, I can recognize that my thoughts are MY thoughts. Most peopler who wear those shirts either don't think that deeply into it, or do think that deeply into it and come away with a different opinion. I'm not one to feel like my train of thought should be the only train of thought. Especially on something as trivial as this.
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I don’t wear those type of shirts because I don’t feel the need to prove myself to nobody idk or care about but I don’t automatically think how Du thinks when I see them.