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African-Americans Outpace Whites and Hispanics In Cryptocurrency Investments, Is a New Avenue to Black Wealth-Building Opening?

Don't know how much of this coin out there but pretty sure if he tried to sell all at once or even half he not getting nothing close to that valuation p
That's the thing. A lot of our people are always looking for get rich quick schemes. I think if you have the time and interest, you can put a little money into crypto, play with it a bit, and use it as a nice little source of additional income if you know what you're doing. If a lot of people were doing that, I'd say it was smart. What I think is that a lot of black people are looking at crypto as being the new lotto. I guess the upside is that it's not quite as much of a waste as the lotto. With the lottery, you can toss money away for decades with nothing major to show for it At least with crypto, barring something cataclysmic, you won't really lose all your money.

What I don't like about crypto though is that none of it is real. Stocks are volatile too, but at least you're backing something real. You put money in Tesla, as long as Tesla keeps making cars people want, you can always have faith that stock will be good. With crypto, it's all just hype. One day shit can be up, and then the next day it could plummet for no real reason other than some rich person said they don't believe in it.
My feelings exactly and I didn't even read the whole post.
This is why I keep reminding clients to be cautious with these investments. Many of them aren't backed by anything tangible and are rising purely based off of hype. There is utility for cryptocurrency and it will be here to stay but most of them won't be. With blacks and hispanics I get more worried because there's A LOT of scams with this shit (deposit $3000 get 50% return and get fractional ownership of Bitcoin PLUS 10 free shares of company ABC that's not even a registered company) and people are falling for it plus as it is many aren't properly educated on investing and when the day of reckoning comes they'll be hit hardest and reluctant af to want to give it second chance and will blame "the man".

If you're one of the lucky ones who managed to hit a lick cool but understand, there are many other investments that can generate for you an excellent return and you may want to consider moving money into them to protect your profits. When major banks still dont allow a direct purchase through regular means to acquire it (or are dragging their feet), you should question why that is.
The two Gawds need to debate this.


I’m trying to make money everywhere I can. I see potential everywhere and stay with my ear to the concrete.

At the end of the day it’s about planning, ownership and controlling the supply lines.