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AFC Championship: Kansas City beezy on suicide watch Chiefs v. New England Patriots

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I NEVER wanna hear about the AFC being better than the NFC when this muhfucka has run roughshot over that fuckin conference for 20 years.

But the Steelers Ravens Colts and Broncos still managed to win Superbowl s during that time span.

NFC sux y'all let Tampa Bay and the saints win Superbowls, I'm talking to you cowboys redskins bears 49ers fans
I said it here before..the AFC east is the worst division in all of sports.

That means
nothing cause they beat other teams out of their division as well..since the BB and Brady era the only team in the entire NFL the pats have a bad record against is denver..

So what, you want them in your division fucking your dreams up?.

You want BB to be able to scheme how to beat your team by playing you twice...
Ok they said that but what's your point? They made the best decision in franchise history on that day.

Bruh...I'm agreeing with you. Posters are saying Mo Lewis is the reason brady got his shine. I'm saying no it wasn't....
This is one of the most pathetic hot takes bout the Pats.

They played 10 games every fuckn year against non-AFC East teams and them teams ain't do shit either.

I think the point is that they always have an easy path to playoffs because thier division is not competitive.

While that is true, I will say...bias aside that the Pats success is largely due to Palpatine.
The way he schemes and gameplans is second to none....as talent deficient as his teams have been recently they execute thier gameplans damn near flawlessly in the playoffs.

They are a damn good football TEAM.
Never said it wasn't bad just that if NE had ONLY beat up on the AFC East then that bullshit hot take wouldn't be an issue.

The AFC east is the only div where who gonna win isnt up for debate.

Every other div has at least two really good competitve teams

AFC east aint been that...and it def contributes to the Pats success bruh

To say other wise is disingenuous