Yall don't fucking it get it by now. They are all in on it. Ok so dems get on tv and call all the repubs who take nra or gun manufacturers money. Then repubs get on the news and call out all the dems who take money on some other fucked up thing.
All you are going to get is neither dems or repubs willing to completely take money out of politics cause they both know it benefits both sides.
They've shown lists of politicians who go into office not being worth 6 figures and within a few years these people are millionaires with high profile connections for life.
At what point are people going to wake up and see ain't no working within this system to bring it down, ain't no reforming this system. The shit needs to be destroyed and a new system built up.
If that don't happen ain't no amount of progressives getting in office going to massively change a fucking thing cause dem or repub they are all on the fucking take.
Thats why i been shitting on Schumer and not republicans.
Not just in this thread, but in the abortions thread too.
Schumers response to all this, including abortions, has been to hold votes on shit he knows damn well isnt gonna succeed.
Thats his only move.
Thats why tell Schumer to resign because 2 term limits is more than enough and give a press release saying thats his reason. Until then, tell Schumer to get the fuck out my face