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Breaking News Active Shooter at Michigan State University, At least 3 People Dead, 5 Injured

OG Two Tone spraying up his rivals ain't the same as an old white man checking into a hotel with multiple guns with the sole intent of killing as many people as he can during an outdoor concert held at said casino. You know thins, I know this, everybody knows this: Intent matters. The only reason to remove intent is to inflate the numbers in order to make the issue appear worse than it really is.

I get what you’re saying. I’m just calling it what they calling it.
Nationwide T-Mobile outage in the middle of an active shooter situation

I was on a flight when I found out my T-Mobile service wasn’t working. If I didn’t get on free WiFi, I would have been stranded at the airport
Imagine how many people had kids at MSU they couldn’t reach

Since my FB is mostly old classmates, that's what was going across my timeline the most. Lotta my peoples have kids at MSU, some of whom couldn't be reached.