
What do you do for a living?

I'm a program manager, which basically means nothing. I create the budget for my office; allocating funds to areas where we need them then I project our spending for the year and monitor the actual data to see how awesome my guess was. There's more but this is the largest part and the other stuff is really technical and boring.
I'm a program manager, which basically means nothing. I create the budget for my office; allocating funds to areas where we need them then I project our spending for the year and monitor the actual data to see how awesome my guess was. There's more but this is the largest part and the other stuff is really technical and boring.
Looks like we might need ya services on the site, I'll pass your resume along....

So we know you and AP work together or something like that, do you recall what first drew you to wanting to check out the site? Thread or situation
Looks like we might need ya services on the site, I'll pass your resume along....

So we know you and AP work together or something like that, do you recall what first drew you to wanting to check out the site? Thread or situation

He talks about you guys a lot. Not by name or anything, but he'd pose a question or opinion he saw on here and we'd discuss it. I wouldn't really say I'm opinionated but when I have one I don't have a problem speaking my mind and backing it up. He thought I'd enjoy it and so far I am. For the most part everybody seems cool and being on here now I see how it became a large part of his day. Plus I kind of made him join ig so I couldn't say no- wouldn't be fair.
He talks about you guys a lot. Not by name or anything, but he'd pose a question or opinion he saw on here and we'd discuss it. I wouldn't really say I'm opinionated but when I have one I don't have a problem speaking my mind and backing it up. He thought I'd enjoy it and so far I am. For the most part everybody seems cool and being on here now I see how it became a large part of his day. Plus I kind of made him join ig so I couldn't say no- wouldn't be fair.
Pm your IG......for research purposes....

Switching gears; if one was to open your music library, ipod, streaming services what would we find?
Pm your IG......for research purposes....

Switching gears; if one was to open your music library, ipod, streaming services what would we find?

Almost everything- from Mozart to Biggie to Kirk Franklin. I'm a former musician and still one at heart so I appreciate all music.
Almost everything- from Mozart to Biggie to Kirk Franklin. I'm a former musician and still one at heart so I appreciate all music.
What instruments do you play and are you a singer also?

Favorite album of 2018 is.....
What instruments do you play and are you a singer also?

Favorite album of 2018 is.....

I played the clarinet from elementary to 8th grade. I stopped for high school tryna be cute and shit. And I played the piano from about 4 y/o to maybe 9th or 10th grade. I played by ear and my parents thought I was some kind of prodigy (I was not) and signed me up for all kinds of lessons. Then every time we had a family gathering, which was constantly bc my family is huge, I'd be summoned to play which made it not fun. My solution? I started getting acrylic nails. Can't play. The end.

Yes, I do sing- cld've done more with my voice but I was young and lazy, now I'm too old for it.
I played the clarinet from elementary to 8th grade. I stopped for high school tryna be cute and shit. And I played the piano from about 4 y/o to maybe 9th or 10th grade. I played by ear and my parents thought I was some kind of prodigy (I was not) and signed me up for all kinds of lessons. Then every time we had a family gathering, which was constantly bc my family is huge, I'd be summoned to play which made it not fun. My solution? I started getting acrylic nails. Can't play. The end.

Yes, I do sing- cld've done more with my voice but I was young and lazy, now I'm too old for it.
KOD is def in the convo for AOTY

You mention big family...this question has nothing to do with them. What's your racial make up?
KOD is def in the convo for AOTY

You mention big family...this question has nothing to do with them. What's your racial make up?
Most Louisianaians are just a gumbo pot or mix of races. My parents are black so I'm black.
Where you affected by Katrina and if yes, how so?

Not really. We had power outages for extended periods of time, but nothing compared to the devastation the ppl of NOLA experienced.
Not really. We had power outages for extended periods of time, but nothing compared to the devastation the ppl of NOLA experienced.
I had so many flood his ready but I guess I'll pocket them

If you could fix one thing in the black community it would be....
I had so many flood his ready but I guess I'll pocket them

If you could fix one thing in the black community it would be....

The hate we can sometimes have for each other. If I could erase the pain and origin of that hate I would.