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ABW TinyChat Thread (Tonight)

Fight me Westie! - I was being facetious with your stankin self, I'm tired of you picking on me in front of company.

How do you know all of this..

Who are you... Really?

I am Chastity Jones. Defender of unsuspecting women everywhere

Hold on I didn't routinely have your back with the IC shenanigans? I've gone at both Dizz and Man E Faces over the bs they've pulled...

Truth!! But can you honestly say you never LOL'd, Ether'd clicked any reaction or turned your head away when he posted inappropriate stuff?

You partook in the entertainment as well my friend.

You are apart of an elaborate cover up of BNE's identity and you are not among those whom I trust to tell me otherwise.

SO!! -Joe Budden voice.

I will conduct my own investigation into these matters.

I will get you @BNE and your little dog too.

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Truth!! But can you honestly say you never LOL'd, Ether'd clicked any reaction or turned your head away when he posted inappropriate stuff?

You partook in the entertainment as well my friend.
Jokes are one thing but I never agreed with just plastering stuff someone entrusted to you like that. Like DU said he'd cross the line way too much
Our first official Tiny Chat Night will be this upcoming Wednesday @ 8pm est​
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Ya'll don't be in there not cam'ed up enjoying the festivities without paying the entry fee.

@BNE - Don't be posted in a dark corner, in a room full of boxes with a black hoodie and sunglasses on. (@deadeye)

i'll post up.....we'll post up.....

i think we got church tonight.....but if yall still in there around 9-10 we'll swing thru
i'll post up.....we'll post up.....

i think we got church tonight.....but if yall still in there around 9-10 we'll swing thru


We get to see "DU-Bee". < Reesey's nickname for baby Du.

I started calling her "DU Baby", then I got lazy, lifted and my speech got a tad bit slurred, and we ended up with "DU-Bee." LOL .

I'm sticking to it.


Nobody is obligated to get on cam. If you wanna cam up ... cool, if u wanna mic up... cool, if you wanna just type... that's cool too.​