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ABW Sexual Harassment

@Joshimir Putin would you like to be my counsel?

I would be honored

These chargers are ridiculous. Ludicrous. Malicious. Vindictive.
Imaginative. Irresponsible. And overall down right childish. I smell a counter suit
i support any movement to get germs tf outta here
If any other woman has felt verbally accosted by @Germs, now is the time to speak up!

We don't have to live in shame and embarrassment!

Let's turn this into a class action suit.

Send your complaint/proof to @Joshimir Putin if you want a part of the settlement
It's only right I serve on the jury.

My history of impartiality is impeccable. So it's only right I do my duty and serve on the jury board for my ABW people.

EVERY poster deserves a fair trial.
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