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ABW Sexual Harassment

Is there a way we can pay a fine BEFORE such said harrasssment?

Asking for Sam
Is there a way we can pay a fine BEFORE such said harrasssment?

Asking for Sam

What's the worst that could happen tho... a ban?

Let's switch it up a lil then.

Name the amount posters who has slid in ur inbox. You don't have to name names if u don't want to, ofc that's always welcomed.
Let's switch it up a lil then.

Name the amount posters who has slid in ur inbox. You don't have to name names if u don't want to, ofc that's always welcomed.
Phew....not that I was worried or nothing
Damn 10? Were all spitting game? If not, how many would u say was spitting some type of game?
I’d say half of them were...

I don’t flirt right off the top though so that may have had something to do with it...

This exchange has given me an idea for a thread series. I wanna interview a different poster each week. Who wants to be first?