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ABW Roasts: Avi's

@VIBE looks like an eccentric art teacher who’s got a crazy collection of homemade clay pottery.

@HerbalVaporCapers looks like a young David Doherty
See, if they been posting pics people woulda been used to how crazy they look...nobody made a marvin Sapp joke...yet
English dude look like homie with the weird eye from that movie where all those folks are trapped in a hotel and come to find out they are all just different personalities from the guy


I love this movie tho the name escapes me

John Cusack. Amanda Peet. Ray Liotta.

The dude you talking about played the priest in Constantine


Lmao...I was just watching that this weekend
Nah herbal look like what the kid from the six sense would look like grown up if he didn't get heavy into drugs and hoes
Vibe looks like Charles Manson and Weird Al had a baby

Lou you look like Hugh Jackman fresh outta rehab

"heroin couldnt hold me, neither can your mom"

prolly drive your mazda all wreckless and shit....seat leaned back, 4 loko cans everywhere

as soon as you say "whats up" to people in public they pat their pockets and go "I aint got it bro"

you got a ziplock bag fulla cigar guts under the couch huh
