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ABW/Reel Talk Movie Club: Poltergeist (1982)

I did a little research on Jake after the movie. Apparently, he did see his Father beat his Mother, not to mention as a kid he was a MONSTER (he used to go after bullies with an Icepick and he beat a Bookie unconscious to rob him). He also stated that he hated watching the movie I initially until he realized that it was about him and how he lived.

As you said yourself, dude was the worst of 'em all, y'all.......
Well damn. He shoulda liked the movie then cuz at least they gave him a bit of redemption at the end.
Just now seeing this thread. Dope thread concept. What's the next movie?
We choose movies based on a theme. Ima pass it off to somebody different every week. Raging bull was off movies that started with O. Next movie is one that starts with O.

I'll add you to list when we start nominating movies
I forgot all them niggas was nasty creeping on vicki when she was 15


Anyway this and goodfellas are Scorsese's best movies. Also this and taxi driver are de niros best performances to me. Dont @ me about it I said what i said.

My favorite thing about this movie is that it doesn't explain away la mottas behavior. He wasnt an alcoholic, he and his brother didn't come from a fucked up home, nothing crazy happened to him when he was young. He was just hard headed af and it became self sabotaging. Everyone can relate to that.
I did a little research on Jake after the movie. Apparently, he did see his Father beat his Mother, not to mention as a kid he was a MONSTER (he used to go after bullies with an Icepick and he beat a Bookie unconscious to rob him). He also stated that he hated watching the movie I initially until he realized that it was about him and how he lived.

As you said yourself, dude was the worst of 'em all, y'all.......
Yeah dude was worst....

He lusted after shorty when she was in highschool.

Nigga was irrationally jealous.....I cringed so hard when he kept questioning his wife about Janiro and Sal.

Even if she was hiding something... Nigga was dumb in the way he was asking her.

"You ever think about someone else when we're in bed?'

Like....wtf? How she gonna answer that?
I loved the movie. But Jake was a piece of shit....

I mean that's pretty much all it was. A self destructive character who still managed to achieve success in spite of his short comings.

Deniro did a great job of making you not like him. He was an idiot and stubborn control freak.

Pesci just gave us mad levels. You felt his obligation, his pain, his frustration, pride... All that.

They always played well off of each other. And this was the height of it. I never watched this from start to finish in one setting. But I'm glad I did.

It's a feel movie imo. You really gotta feel it
I appreciate it more now cuz you see how they make movies now and it's just not the same. Movies are so prescriptive now...like I said in my last post, nowadays a movie has to make a rationalization for somebody's shitty behavior instead of just showing them be shitty and letting the audience draw their own conclusions.
There has to be some feel good shit at the end to reward us for lookin at this terrible human being.

Raging bull wasnt about that at all. La motta was a bum the entire movie. It didnt try to make you like him or sympathize with him. There was a bit of redemption where he beat himself up in the jail cell, but even that wasnt overt. Dude been making his own life so much harder than it needed to be and he was finally in a situation where he had to sit in silence with his choices. I didnt get the feel like he was gon all of a sudden turn his life around, but the acknowledgment that he was a fuck up was a first step.

Last movie I saw that had me feeling like that was the wrestler.
Joe Pesci made me wanna cry at the end though....

He really did not want to see that nigga...
Aite Revolver picked 2 themes last time so next we doin movies that start with O.

I know One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was thrown around a lot.

If yall cool with that we could do that next. Otherwise if you have any other suggestions drop NO MORE THAN 3

You happy now nigga?!


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