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ABW/Reel Talk Movie Club: Poltergeist (1982)

So are there questions that we all need to answer to formulate an organized discussion or will it be kind of a free writing activity?
Pesci stole every scene he was in.

The scene when he fucks up Salvy is my favorite in the whole film.

He totally played him:

One min, he was forgiving and humble, ready to bury the hatchet.......

.......next moment, he's burying a glass on the side of his face.
I forgot all them niggas was nasty creeping on vicki when she was 15


Anyway this and goodfellas are Scorsese's best movies. Also this and taxi driver are de niros best performances to me. Dont @ me about it I said what i said.

My favorite thing about this movie is that it doesn't explain away la mottas behavior. He wasnt an alcoholic, he and his brother didn't come from a fucked up home, nothing crazy happened to him when he was young. He was just hard headed af and it became self sabotaging. Everyone can relate to that.
I forgot all them niggas was nasty creeping on vicki when she was 15


Anyway this and goodfellas are Scorsese's best movies. Also this and taxi driver are de niros best performances to me. Dont @ me about it I said what i said.

My favorite thing about this movie is that it doesn't explain away la mottas behavior. He wasnt an alcoholic, he and his brother didn't come from a fucked up home, nothing crazy happened to him when he was young. He was just hard headed af and it became self sabotaging. Everyone can relate to that.

I did a little research on Jake after the movie. Apparently, he did see his Father beat his Mother, not to mention as a kid he was a MONSTER (he used to go after bullies with an Icepick and he beat a Bookie unconscious to rob him). He also stated that he hated watching the movie I initially until he realized that it was about him and how he lived.

As you said yourself, dude was the worst of 'em all, y'all.......
My bad y’all been dealing with some life issues. I’m back in here. Raging Bull huh. I’m off today I’ll watch. Actually never seen it