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COMMUNITY ABW Photoshop Contest (pg 29 for new contest)

I'll put up 1mil for whoever wants to submit a photo to be shopped... and 3mil for whoever has the best photoshop submission after folks vote for the winner if anybody is up for it.

Reasonable or nah?
The person submitting the photo should get more b...

hmmmmm.... how bout we split it down the middle.. 3mil for pic submissions... and 3mil for the winning photoshop...*users who submit pics for that week cant shop they own shit tho obviously... lol *

If the mods wanna donate some seed money for a larger prize that they deem fair that's a possibility. I'm just goin offa the lil bank I got at the moment to try to get this shit back started.
I'm cool with it either way. I think @Inori has taken over as the host tho.

If we can't get anybody to submit a pic, then we might as well use a current pic that's floating around the internet.

Aite so ima wait til Monday.. if anybody wants to submit something they can post it here or pm me. Otherwise I'll try to find some random shit on the net in case there aren't any submissions and we can go from there.

@Sam Crooke you seem hype about the shit so I am open to suggestions if you got any.. outside of suggesting other peoples photos that is.. lol