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COMMUNITY ABW Money Wars: The Purge Thread

In all.seriousness I'm talking about stuff like this.

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Non active players shouldn't be involved in saying active players aren't playing.
Yeah.......idk what that non legal contract about but he has every right to pay for someone protection

Protected person can always opt. Unless this becomes something that's really hurting the Purge, it stands
it don't hurt the purge cuz the winner still gets it...

it just takes the joy of robbing niggaz away from the resident fucking sociopath
I wanna pay to take protection away
To be completely honest. Everyone should be immune an the only people who pay are the ones who WANNA play.....

That would be more fair. As it is this shit is extortion, but it makes for a bigger pot
He ain't gotta entertain my suggestions... Just shoot down this nigga who think he run the game
5th won
Dubbz won
Goldie won
Hustle won

Y'all don't always win bruh
@Mr Litty since ur the one running this shit... are you open to entertaining any of these suggestions from @Chi-town B and @Duwop ??

cuz if not then all this typing and back and forth is a waste of time lol
I mean, I read them all.

If it sounds good its up for public or private debat. If it dont I shut it down.

I dont expect any one person to have all the answers but Du and CTB play the most so they input is heard
Dubbz won the first one when I robbed Goldie after he got most of dubbz money during the ruling.
I gave the money back to dubbz and he robbed Goldie again at the buzzer to have the highest amount.

They just didn't start giving Jack pots till the next one.