Welcome To aBlackWeb

ABW Mod Oversight Commission 2.0

Greeting all! Welcome to the ABW Oversight Commison 2.0.

It's purpose will be keeping mods transparent and honest however it will also look into some of the day to day rules of the site and tweak them as needed

At this time I'd like to officially open the door and the floor to any who wish to join this Commision. The panel will consist of 5 members who have been thoroughly vetted for honesty and impartiality so please bring your A game when applying for membership

Potential Candidates:
@Inori *
@Revolver Ocelot


It's only one female nomination ....

This sounds like some mod adjacent bullshit.

I appreciate the honesty

Once or if we get to 20 ppl, we'll move on to round 2

I'd like to have the first couple audits wrapped up this week