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ABW Interviews: WhisperingEye


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
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Today we have a special guest, hailing from the Chi, the one and only @Whispering Eye . Let me know when you're ready for me to get in your business.​
Let's get it started. We all know you rep the Chi. Tell us about your upbringing in the Chi? Did you spend your entire childhood there? Is there really gunshots every night?​
Let's get it started. We all know you rep the Chi. Tell us about your upbringing in the Chi? Did you spend your entire childhood there? Is there really gunshots every night?​
Born in the chi (Roseland) raised all over including Cleveland heights OH, Stone mountain GA, Tacoma WA, Rochester MN, and I'm sure some other places my high ass is forgetting...

Hardly any gunshots at night in the winter here cause niggas gotta wait til their guns thaw out.

Nah honestly, there's more media coverage on violence here so it looks worse than it is. Keep your nose clean and your eyes open and you can avoid almost all of the bs going on.
Born in the chi (Roseland) raised all over including Cleveland heights OH, Stone mountain GA, Tacoma WA, Rochester MN, and I'm sure some other places my high ass is forgetting...

Hardly any gunshots at night in the winter here cause niggas gotta wait til their guns thaw out.

Nah honestly, there's more media coverage on violence here so it looks worse than it is. Keep your nose clean and your eyes open and you can avoid almost all of the bs going on.

Why did you move around so frequently?

What's been your favorite place to live and your least favorite and why?

Why did you move around so frequently?

What's been your favorite place to live and your least favorite and why?
My family went wherever my pops was allowed to practice medicine while obtaining his licenses so we just went wherever paid him best.

Worst place was between Cleveland and MN. MN was turrible. Cold, wypipo everywhere, smh... My family couldn't believe I moved back there after living there in my youth, lol. But I followed my heart and that's where it led me.

Favorite was GA. The people, the food, and the weather...unmatched! It was like a black Mecca after seeing places like MN.
My family went wherever my pops was allowed to practice medicine while obtaining his licenses so we just went wherever paid him best.

Worst place was between Cleveland and MN. MN was turrible. Cold, wypipo everywhere, smh... My family couldn't believe I moved back there after living there in my youth, lol. But I followed my heart and that's where it led me.

Favorite was GA. The people, the food, and the weather...unmatched! It was like a black Mecca after seeing places like MN.

Do you have any siblings? Were you a good kid or did you get in trouble a lot? Any crazy stories from your youth?
One older brother-35
Two younger sisters - 15 and 9 years old

As a kid I was more sneaky than all out bad. I learned a lot of lessons from my brother getting into trouble so I would do the same only not get caught.

Perfect example is when my pops caught him with a rap cd (snoop- the last meal). I think I told this one on the IC before but my father brought me and my brother into the kitchen and started beating on the CD with a hammer on the counter then threw it away.

It had a crack but it was still playable, so I picked it up and kept it in my discman.

Lol I've been turned out sonically ever since. Something that pissed my dad off that much had to be worth listening to. After that, I just wanted to experience every rap/hiphop song there was.

As far as any other crazy stories from my youth? Hmm... Not really. I stayed indoors reading listening to music and watching TV.

The stuff I was reading and watching though, lol... I always preferred adult content to kids stuff.
One older brother-35
Two younger sisters - 15 and 9 years old

As a kid I was more sneaky than all out bad. I learned a lot of lessons from my brother getting into trouble so I would do the same only not get caught.

Perfect example is when my pops caught him with a rap cd (snoop- the last meal). I think I told this one on the IC before but my father brought me and my brother into the kitchen and started beating on the CD with a hammer on the counter then threw it away.

It had a crack but it was still playable, so I picked it up and kept it in my discman.

Lol I've been turned out sonically ever since. Something that pissed my dad off that much had to be worth listening to. After that, I just wanted to experience every rap/hiphop song there was.

As far as any other crazy stories from my youth? Hmm... Not really. I stayed indoors reading listening to music and watching TV.

The stuff I was reading and watching though, lol... I always preferred adult content to kids stuff.

Who were your favorite rappers when u first started getting into rap? Who are your favorite now?

I'm assuming you were reading erotica, did that turn you into a freak or you were just curious or entertained?