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ABW Interviews: Elzo

What's your most fondest memory in your life?

Elzo -
my family trips to San Pedro its a resort right on the Atlantic ocean, before family turmoil split everybody up ....my uncle friend had a vacation crib there he d let us use whenever....nothing like having the ocean wakes be ur alarm clock...just sitting on the beach soaking up game, life lessons from the elders in my family; getting that oral family history
What's one of your worst memories in your life?

Elzo - 1)having to console my mother every night for like 2 weeks when her mother passed.....she d wake up at 3 am sobbing every night for like 2 weeks so i d sleep on the couch in her room...

2) My best friend in life taking getting murdered on the block he grew up on; i was on my way to go check him out give him some money to begin his turnaround since he expressed desire to stop thugging and selling crack and shooting at niggas, i stopped at my other homie crib to help him move a dresser . i get a call my homie got gunned down...

3) Losing a friend to gun violence every weekend from November-December 2016 then having one of my homies be the first registered homicide in Chicago in 2017 ( killed at a NYE party, ,hell of a way to start the year)​
What's your top 5 MC list?

Elzo - Nas, PAc, Jay, Big, and Rakim but thats too easy and common

so ill say

Common, OC, Ghostface Killah, Outkast and Mobb Deep--yes those are groups but fuck it i aint separating them
Top 5 comedians?

Elzo - Foxx, Pryor, Seinfeld, Martin, Murphy, Chappelle and my homie Calvin Evans up and coming out of the Chi u might have seen on comedy central
What's something people would be surprised to know about you?

Elzo -
I help a lot of ppl anonymously

Can you name some of the things you've done?

Elzo -
ill give u one as an example, u know take care of living expenses for ppl back home is one; see back home there arent really any safety net programs so once u cant work if u dont have savings or someone to help u financially ure fucked; so there s an org i work with that identifies ppl who need help then raise the cheese to cover their expenses; so i always kick in when i can

Another example is helping kids get jobs on the low...for example this kid we worked w was a shooter to say the least but was tired of that shit so he applied for a job at this company i knew some influential ppl at the company called in some favors to get him the job
This nigga thought the questions I sent him for the survey was for the interview, so after we finish up today's Family Feud, I'll drop his responses to the Family Feud questions in here.

But for now that concludes this portion of the interview. Yall are free to ask homie w.e u want. I wanna give a thanks to the homie @Elzo69Renaissance for taking time out to be interviewed.
What do you do for a living?

Elzo - My main gig.....I work in Tax Resolution; assist ppl who have beef with the IRS protect their assets and livelihood....to explain as simple as possible; on a side im building an HR consulting Firm; rebuilding my startup after a separation with my crazy ass partner ( caved under the pressure and had a meltdown to say the least)

Why did you choose that? Was that the career path you always wanted to take or was there something else?

Elzo - The Tax Resolution Gig; It quenches my thirst for Law and helping ppl; plus i work for a great man nh who has created a wonderful working environment for us; the other projects my better half is an HR Director and charges a crazy fee to consult with other companies so we were like lets just start a business around that and see where it goes...the startup is just a great idea i need to see through ( could be my multi million dollar break through....

the side projects are for a need for financial independence has the only brother working here; i want the ability to slap the shit out of someone and quit if they ever get out of line and not worry bout my livelihood

If u can, explain what happened with you and your ex parter?

Elzo - so we were in the process of building it i did a great job bringing in attention to it even got us the front page of the Chicago RedEye ( when it was popping) ; so i started the process for our first series financing round; when it started discussing funds with potential investors seeing the amount of cheese we were discussing, she had a meltdown essentially stating she wasnt ready for this type of responsibility and etc... this lets me know that although everyone wants to be Gates or Zuckerberg only a small percentage of us have what it takes to do it...but we grew up together so we are still good

i remember this
aye ELZ how you ain't gonna mention me when i was ready to tool up with you for a trip to DC
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on the real Elz cool peeps tho

aint got no real issues with the man other than the fact he keep posting shit in the random thoughts threads instead of in the threads where they belong.

i thought it was dope he said he donated money for kids to see the black panther

i called him out (mainly trolling), and he showed a receipt. He was a good sport about it.

keep up the good work fam
aye ELZ how you ain't gonna mention me when i was ready to tool up with you for a trip to DC
King Du cuz i know for a fact he d ride....a few yrs ago i had to discipline some clown in DC i Pm ed Du like yo i might need u to ride up there with me...Du didnt even think twice about it....i handled it but at least i know he a real one

im too real of a nigga fam @King Du answered this shit a while ago too lol