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ABW Interviews: Elzo


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
Welcome back to ABW Interviews.

For today's interview we have non other than my Hotel/Hotep brotha, @Elzo69Renaissance .

Yall already know he's a smarty art lawyer nigga, so to save time I sent him the questions before hand so he can answer them when he had time.

I'll drop the questions and answers one by one in the thread in the next 15 mins or so.​
I'm sending out the Family Feud questions then I'll start dropping the interview questions/answers
Where are you from? How is it living over there?

Elzo - I was born in the Ivory Coast/Cote D' Ivoire; moved permanently to Chicago when I was 10....been here ever since. Living out there was fun for me. Got the chance to see all aspects of life; mixed time growing up in : "public housing", middle class and upper class..that was all on the a weekly basis lol ( if u remember the interview in The Departed the way MArky MArk describes Di Caprio s character was me)....but it was great though like wherever I was there was a sense of community like the neighbors could beat ur ass if they caught u fucking up, fed u if u needed it...ppl really hold each other down...a community was community there s a sense of respect for life and ppl and a trust that definitely wasnt there when I moved to CHicago.
We hear alot about chicago and the gang culture out there, even the sweet WhisperingEye is outchea gangbangin (bless her heart). Were u ever asked to join a gang? What's the craziest thing you've seen out there or is it all hype?

Elzo - No never been asked to join a gang i think from early on i was always a kid who did was he was posed to do so niggas around really didnt even bother lol i mean they knew i wasnt a punk or nothing i m nice w the hands but they knew that wasnt for me ...but as we get older around 15, 16, 17 some of our friends started really banging hardcore so by me hanging with them if some shit pops off we got to hold each other down so i was an honorary gang member lol
What do you do for a living?

Elzo - My main gig.....I work in Tax Resolution; assist ppl who have beef with the IRS protect their assets and livelihood....to explain as simple as possible; on a side im building an HR consulting Firm; rebuilding my startup after a separation with my crazy ass partner ( caved under the pressure and had a meltdown to say the least)

Why did you choose that? Was that the career path you always wanted to take or was there something else?

Elzo - The Tax Resolution Gig; It quenches my thirst for Law and helping ppl; plus i work for a great man nh who has created a wonderful working environment for us; the other projects my better half is an HR Director and charges a crazy fee to consult with other companies so we were like lets just start a business around that and see where it goes...the startup is just a great idea i need to see through ( could be my multi million dollar break through....

the side projects are for a need for financial independence has the only brother working here; i want the ability to slap the shit out of someone and quit if they ever get out of line and not worry bout my livelihood

If u can, explain what happened with you and your ex parter?

Elzo - so we were in the process of building it i did a great job bringing in attention to it even got us the front page of the Chicago RedEye ( when it was popping) ; so i started the process for our first series financing round; when it started discussing funds with potential investors seeing the amount of cheese we were discussing, she had a meltdown essentially stating she wasnt ready for this type of responsibility and etc... this lets me know that although everyone wants to be Gates or Zuckerberg only a small percentage of us have what it takes to do it...but we grew up together so we are still good

so he be up in here for everybody else interview, but was a no show for his?

"i'ma chill"
When did you start using forums and what brought you to the IC?

Elzo - 2003 i think and i use to read the rumors section on allhiphop daily; at the time i was producing locally a lot so i just wanted to discuss techniques and etc...with others

You've said before that you've met up with multiple women from the IC, which females have u met up with? How many have u smashed? U can name names if u want lol

Elzo - I kicked it with Charlie ( in LA and at the infamous Houston meet up lol) , Pico ( at the infamous Houston meet up) , WhisperingEye, Ob Fresh are all i can think of right now...didnt smash any of them honestly we all just good peeps

So you've been on the IC and here since 2003 and never fucked with any of the chicks? I don't believe u fam. This a whole new site, u should be able to tell us without going into full detail about the chicks you've talked to.

Elzo - All facts...i ve never been into the online macking shit...i dont think ive ever seriously dove into an inbox trying to make it happen..
Who are your favorite and least favorite posters from ABW and why?

Elzo -Favorite Posters: the remaining members of the Hotep crew; Cain, Chicity Goldie Germs Beta (all hilarious ) lol naw everyone is pretty cool here, i have yet to drop my address on this site so that s a plus

Least favorite: Starbucks ---look no one gives a shit about Eminem UK rap or gangs....
Have u ever had a feud or "e-beef" with a poster on the IC/ABW?

Elzo - like e beef or real life shit?

E beef: off the top of my head, plap or 700 fam thought i was his dad that abandoned him..then had had a lil misunderstanding w Yunn and CP203 but it wasnt nothing serious....

currently Charlie and Pico hate my guts lol long story fam
We're gonna get back to those beefs in a min, but lets back track real quick. What's something from the "houston meet up" that happened that most people don't know about?

Elzo -
honestly i missed the majority of the nonsense....i flew in Surday at at 10 am was posed to catch the Saturday 4 PM flight back to Chicago ended up taking the Sunday 6 am flight; i didnt even go out w them or nothing; i found out a lot of the shit that happened when everyone else did during the 2nd Charlie v Yunn break up thread
This is ABW INTERVIEWS, we need details. What happened between you and chico(pico n chuck)?

Elzo - a miscommunication on my part the rest aint really my business to tell but last time i seen Charlie she came to the club w us and kicked in LA so i think we good .havent really spoken to her since though
What about the Plap situation?

Elzo - That s just stupid shit, fam just used to zero in on my posts with hatred all the time then one day he talked bout the hands i dropped both my addresses and offered to pay one way for him then i realized fam was trolling so it s been jokes back and forth since