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ABW Family Feud Week

Man we gotta run another one. Chi came out looking like Glass Joe

Fuck all that, sup with a handful of yall going through multi year sex droughts ?
I had a 11 month drought, broke it, then went on a 10 month drought

Shit was wack, but I was unmotivated....I was kinda in a shock/disbelief stage....

I was kinda a romantic at heart... Really trying to get to know chicks... Take things slow.

I thought freaky chicks were beneath me...I wanted female who didn't advertise pussy.... It was weird little phase from about 22-24..... Then I was like fuck it there's no hope and started knocking them down...

So for me it was

20-22 fuck everything in sight
22-24 mostly drought
24-26 back to being a freak
26- relationship
Let me know if yall are down to run a game tomorrow. I'll start working on questions tonight.