Word....Life Haa..I threw that shit before I walked in tha ROOM Oct 24, 2018 #1,743 Niggaz ain’t really eating popcorn...lion asses
Goldie Kobe With The Pivot Site Owner Oct 24, 2018 #1,745 Name a chocolate candy #3 answer - Reeses #2 answer - Hershey #1 answer - Snickers M&Ms weren't mentioned Word - 3 Chi - 1
Name a chocolate candy #3 answer - Reeses #2 answer - Hershey #1 answer - Snickers M&Ms weren't mentioned Word - 3 Chi - 1
Goldie Kobe With The Pivot Site Owner Oct 24, 2018 #1,746 5. What's the longest daily commute (time wise) you're welling to take for a good job?
Goldie Kobe With The Pivot Site Owner Oct 24, 2018 #1,749 What's the longest daily commute (time wise) you're welling to take for a good job? #3 answer - 45 mins #2 answer - 1.5 hrs #1 answer - 1 hr Word - 3 Chi -2
What's the longest daily commute (time wise) you're welling to take for a good job? #3 answer - 45 mins #2 answer - 1.5 hrs #1 answer - 1 hr Word - 3 Chi -2
Chicity Turned His TV Off Site Administrator Oct 24, 2018 #1,750 Ayo i need to know who took these surveys With they dumbasses
Goldie Kobe With The Pivot Site Owner Oct 24, 2018 #1,751 6. What's something that if you saw it in your s/o's laundry you would break up with em?
Word....Life Haa..I threw that shit before I walked in tha ROOM Oct 24, 2018 #1,752 Notha niggaz draws
Chicity Turned His TV Off Site Administrator Oct 24, 2018 #1,753 Define laundry Like the room or the clothes hamper?
Goldie Kobe With The Pivot Site Owner Oct 24, 2018 #1,755 What's something that if you saw it in your s/o's laundry you would break up with em? #3 answer - Another persons drawers #2 answer - Skid marks in their s/o's drawers #1 answer - condom Word - 4 Chi -2
What's something that if you saw it in your s/o's laundry you would break up with em? #3 answer - Another persons drawers #2 answer - Skid marks in their s/o's drawers #1 answer - condom Word - 4 Chi -2
Goldie Kobe With The Pivot Site Owner Oct 24, 2018 #1,756 7. (Percentage Wise) What's a good tip amount?
Goldie Kobe With The Pivot Site Owner Oct 24, 2018 #1,760 (Percentage Wise) What's a good tip amount? #3 answer - 18%/10% #2 answer - 15% #1 answer - 20% Word - 5 Chi - 2
(Percentage Wise) What's a good tip amount? #3 answer - 18%/10% #2 answer - 15% #1 answer - 20% Word - 5 Chi - 2