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COMMUNITY ABW Court: WhisperingEye vs Germs Sexual Harassment

He had it as sustained and then edited it to over ruled, I wanna know which one it is
Over ruled?

I can only assume Goldie is allowing the aforementioned incident into evidence to show a pattern of harrassment as well as using BNE as a character witness

Germs, you need some character witnesses b
Seems my counter council has jumped the gun..ur honor if his witnesses don’t show up in a timely manner I request a motion for his current argument to cease
the judge originally said sustained. then he said over rule. Is he overruling the sustained? or is he sustaining the over ruled?

and what about the statement? is the statement stricken from the record? is the statement itself to be sustained to begin with? or will we overrule the overrule?

If we overrule the overrule, then we have to sustain the sustainment.

which ultimately means that any statement made no pertaining to Mrs Eye should be stricken from all records until sustainment of the overrule is clarified.

I've planted the seed and that's all that matters. The defendant was sexualizing a minor, and felt so comfortable doing so that he posted it on an online message board. This man is a monster.

I'd like to request a 30 minute recess until my 2nd client can make it through traffic @Goldie
Thank you ur honor


What is character? I was taught that character is what ur doing when no one is looking. And when u enter a PM with someone, only u and they are looking. No one else..I present u this

Sworn testimony from ABW member Azlyn of my character when no one is looking.

And my response


I direct ur attention to the love emoji..

That’s character

Now if the judge would allow, I’m ok with a recess