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COMMUNITY ABW Court: WhisperingEye vs Germs Sexual Harassment

ok...last one


I find this unacceptable.
A nonsensical assemblage of foolish pride.

This is kangaroo court!!!
*walks into court wearing a neck brace*

@Goldie good morning Judge, good morning jury. May sweet baby Jesus bless you all on this wonderful day.

*sits downs and converses with counsel *
The defendant is a known sexual deviant, he holds no regards for his marital vows, and frequently makes sexual advances towards many of our female posters.

I can call upon witnesses if need be.

Is this the end of your opening statement?
In all my years as a judge, this is the most dispicable display of a legal proceeding I have ever witnessed!


You negroes should be ashamed of yourselves!
Is this the end of your opening statement?
No, I'd like to post some quotes that the defendant directed towards my client on the day of Dec 7, 2017:

Spoke to soon whisperingeye..lemmelickit..no Raiden

Bet WhisperingEye has suckable nipples

I'd like to reaffirm that these comments came from a married man and father, who has daughters of his own. I wonder how he'd feel if a man in his position directed these kinds of comments towards his children.

Now, with that said, that concludes my opening statement, when can I have the defendant on the stand?
No, I'd like to post some quotes that the defendant directed towards my client on the day of Dec 7, 2017:

I'd like to reaffirm that these comments came from a married man and father, who has daughters of his own. I wonder how he'd feel if a man in his position directed these kinds of comments towards his children.

Now, with that said, that concludes my opening statement, when can I have the defendant on the stand?
Much better opening statement
No, I'd like to post some quotes that the defendant directed towards my client on the day of Dec 7, 2017:

I'd like to reaffirm that these comments came from a married man and father, who has daughters of his own. I wonder how he'd feel if a man in his position directed these kinds of comments towards his children.

Now, with that said, that concludes my opening statement, when can I have the defendant on the stand?
First I’d like to state that with the first comment that Josh used as evidence. Mrs.Eye hit lol, she was not coheres to do so. That doesn’t seem like the thoughts or actions of someone who feels threatened or harassed by the statement so that argument is void.

Second, my personal status being used as evidence, how does it shape or make an argument for Mrs.Eye?

Are we arguing my fidelity or her accused harassment?

Your honor in these proceedings I will shock and awe the members of the juror with fact, after fact, of her not only accepting my interactions with her as ok. But at the same time welcoming, if not..inviting my interactions

I will now turn the proceedings over to Mrs.Eyes council
Alright, thank you sir.

Before we continue I ask that the people of ABW to look at everything said in here objectively.

@Joshimir Putin @Whispering Eye , you're free to make your following statement and include evidence, witnesses if need be.
First I’d like to state that with the first comment that Josh used as evidence. Mrs.Eye hit lol, she was not coheres to do so. That doesn’t seem like the thoughts or actions of someone who feels threatened or harassed by the statement so that argument is void.

Second, my personal status being used as evidence, how does it shape or make an argument for Mrs.Eye?
View attachment 14953

Are we arguing my fidelity or her accused harassment?

Your honor in these proceedings I will shock and awe the members of the juror with fact, after fact, of her not only accepting my interactions with her as ok. But at the same time welcoming, if not..inviting my interactions

I will now turn the proceedings over to Mrs.Eyes council
View attachment 14954
My client gave you the "feelings" emote, not a lol, please keep it a buck fiddy sir. How can you expect to shock and awe the jury with "fax" when you can't even get an emote correct? The defendants untrustworthy and unpleasant nature can be fully displayed in his username; "Germs", it evokes thoughts of a pest, pestilence, plague, or even a disease. A disease that afflicts the good people of abw, in particular the women of the board. Which leads me to call upon my first witness, activity of the black variety @Blactivity, I call upon you to take the stand..........

How would you describe your online interactions with "Germs"?
Did she lol in fear or excitement?

Interesting development......

Don't mind me or the cameras I'm just looking for my seat. And a drink.