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COMMUNITY ABW Court: OhMars and Nkechi Vs Racial Slander

Is Ohmars Guilty?

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What poster was that used against and didn't you decide to not take the stand.
more outbursts?

i move to have everything said by @Sam Crooke and @Chi-Town B that was not a part of the direct or cross examination to be completely disregarded. I also motion to have them both removed from the thread, and possibly the board for the remainder of the day
they have continually disrupted the court with their outbursts,

to be expected to deal with these kind of distractions in a court of law......

@ChiCity please make your closing arguments, so i can make mines and go home for the day.
i have family to attend to
these outbursts are ridiculous. This man has been off the stand for over 30 minutes. why does he have a platform? I ask that either Chicity makes his closing arguments, or the entire thing is thrown out
Ladies and gentleman of the Jury.

The prosecution...proved nothing.

or in layman's terms...not a damn thing.

This was a joke. They brought up two of the most deprived individuals that every member of this board can attest to, to try and stack a case against my client with nothing but hearsay and speculation.

not one screenshot or quote was posted by prosecution. However I have posted many. I have shown that not only are both the prosecution's witnesses completely dishonest and untrustworthy, but also the District Attorney should be on trial as well for his involvement in this case.

However, he is not on trial, neith is sam or Chi-town....my client was....and what was his crime? offensive language??

I've shown multiple examples of offensive language. were those men placed on trial? My client produced evidence of both witnesses using the same racially charged language they were so adamant about criminalizing my client for. Are those being held into account??

What is it about my client and my client alone that he has to be held accountable for things that we have seen not only in this thread but all over the board or a regular basis??

So where does that leave us?

In the hands of the jury.

Andmembers f the jury.

I have to ask you...

Sam Crooke, and Chit-TownB are walking free victimizing countless women, calling them bitches and sluts, and whores, and anything else their little deprived minds can come up with.....if these two scumbags are the only people in the world who were called up to try to shame my client who has an otherwise nearly perfect rapport with every other member of this community...what kinda world do we really live in?

It's not a world I would want to live in...

I feel like my client is a great guy, I'm sure many of you share the same sentiment....

Ohmars is upstanding,

and I personally am offended that Chi-Town, Sam, And Chi-city "drama king xtrodinare" are the only things standing between a great family man like Ohmars and the great people of ABW....

well actually they're not the only thing...we have the jury... and i think the Jury's job is clear....

Let's bring our boy home


Please be sure to make the after party...refreshments are in the lobby...and they're spectacular!!!!
Ask myself why @OhMars didn't wanna take the stand

Maybe because he couldn't rightfully defend his most questionable posts.....